C H A p. cruifes between the riverMarawina and: Beiibic,ej to give
11 intelligence' in cafe of any threatening clanger to the
had almofbjforgstten to mention>that‘a;p$th fortified
with military polls had been projected, and was actually
begun, from the tipper parts, of; the. $9
the riverSeramica; b u t the plan did,notefuqceed,, and
the line, which: is called’thderangerpath, is sat.prefent; in
the bate of a wildernefs. :
Raving thus deferibed; the iurfiaceiiof the iccsuntfey in
general,■ with: its boundaries rivers,'Bee. I fhall grgeeed
to' an account of the. earlieft difcbvdries\and.mo£t reiharkr
able revolutions.df this. once flourifhing colony which
efcaped being* vifited by thet gallant Admiral JipjljyyAP
the laft war«-* That partjof -Terra firtaa,, jyji^^is^qalled
Guiana, oritheiWild Coaft, and'in which li^§,thfjGqloriy
o f Surinam, is faid, ,by fc$ne Jto ,h$vg'7been fipft> fpun;d
out by 'the juftly' celebrated Chriftopher/ (S^lpnibus,
in the year 1498, whence, he was £ent home inxh-ainsj
though others contend that it was. npt d.ifcovered. tilf
the year 1504, 'by Vafco. Nunes, a. Spaniard,^ ay was
Hated in the!beginning of this 'Chapter.
In 1595 it was viflted by Sir WaltertRaleigh, under
Queen Elizabeth, who alfo failed up the river Oronoque
above 600 miles, in fearch of tne fuppofed El'Dorado, and
in hopes of difeovering the gold-mines, of which he
. had the moffc lively expectations, from famples; of a
marcafite, which the Spaniards caR Madre de Oro *. In
1634,va Captain Marfhall, With, about fixty Englifh, were
difeoyejed in Surinam employed in planting, tobacco,,
aoeordi^g-to ,fl\e relation of David Piterfe* de. Vries, a
them upon the fpot.;
Inf 1640, Surinam[)Was;iirhabited'by(,t-h&,Frenchji who were,
©hligedto-leay^it^fo,Qn;.affcer, on, aceqjipt of thf frqquehf
invafiohs’which thb^ juft-ly jfuffered frqnl» the Caribbean
Indians, fo rd o in g , like tbehr**eighbo,UES; tfee Spaniards^
treated them withf;$jhiemoft barbarous;, cruelties, ■ In the
year 1650, tMs colon^be.ing vacant, Francis/Lord W ih
Ipughbji o0|at%am>T byjKing ChaxjI|eS;;the ^Second’s per-7
million, fent .thither OnerjV§flel,re^Hipppd; by hhn;l^flf? to
take pofTeffion of it in-the name of his royal-, ip a f te r a
little jifter which herdifpat^hedyhree^y^fe/.motei,0nd of
them carryihgywenty rgunsw,- All thefe'w^e W e^lteiyed
pqgociation.-- Twonyears-,jafter-, thisjLord Willoughby
went? oyer h;imfelfr an#:leaylng. feyeralB gbpd.’and wholq-
fome laws and regp|at|e^|‘i f ^ ;the:gQyerqmfnt and defence
"/pf the FC9lony, yetut^ncsd[, to. England, wh^jcefifi®
Continued- to fupply /thef^tylement sat! his qyn 'expense
withf^eWi#^i9.hftiPhniticpj On theTgeorrd dayjof-June,
*Of this extraorcLnkry enteigrize the'
eunoarT®K)f fnay'® Pffi$
wjttes by^SioJF^te^ gs-.
j VOL. I. 1
^ / ’8SBy>4sBifte4-®r. BirGj|, in,l75i,
■ printed foirDodfley^ iii ty^yoharAav®-
G 1662,