P R E F A C E.
Work, being perhaps ,011e of the molt Hngülar
produââôns ; evpr , offered* to the Public, I think it
right to give th e ‘Reader a,j fbort fketiph of. what he
Ingoing to. pèrufë.— I hàv4^ 'endeavoured-to arrange
matters in fo'me dcgfe'e like a large* garden, where
the fweet^fmellihg -flower and the
thorn, the gold-befpangled fly and' loathfome rep-
tilèÿl the riehefl; glowing pluitfiagc and' the darkeft
fliadcs ; the whole To variegated asrto afford, I hope,
both information and amtiferfient, without racking or
deprefling the fpirits;:‘and damping, the mind ; not
indeed in the modem. poirtpi ànd ^brilliancy v of fly le,
but in a Ample tale, „wjtae-r-e -truth is the chief ornament*