210 N A R R A T I V E OF Al N
c h A p. vantage, for my Englifh horfe paffLng him with the ra -
^ | pidity of a cannoa-fhot, his galloway fprang, rider and
ah» through a hedge of thick and left poor Mr*.
Van de Vekle, not hke Doétor. Slop, ‘ in the diet* but like
Abfalom, hanging among the branches*».- '
The horfes in Surinam are little better or larger than
affes (except thofe which are-brought from North America
or Holland, the latter of which are generally employed
for carriages) yet they are useful in the fugar—
mills, where a number of mules amralfo employed*.
Thefe laft are brought; over from Barbaçy, and fometimea;
fold as high as fifty guineas. None^of. thefe animals arer
indigenous to Guiana ; but,, as many other animals have:
been imported* and become the inhabitants of the-cli—
mate,' to fave unneceflary repefkign.
lowing lift of fuch quadrupeds as are not natives .of the:
new continent E
The Elephant*
The Rhinoceros,
L io n ,
Stoat or Ermine.
Wild Göati,-;
Small Guinea Stag,
Fat SquirrdJ
Garden. Squirrel^
Horfe, | Genett,
Afs, '' Civfet,
S b ife , ■ M i 1
OX, Antelope, ,
Buffalo, Chamois Goat.
Ichneumon, CHAP.
.Jerboa,1 . IX' .
i Maki ; and
feveral -kinds
of Monkies.
Should the number on this lift feem rather great, I in
that cafe refer'to the celebrated Gount ide.Buffbn, whence
it was extracted.' •
On the iSth arrived fick.: from Devffis: Harwar Enfign
Matiiew, .ons^of tite officers’by whom I had been re-
tiCVeff;' ähd the fame day he was followed by his com-
'manädf Md friehh;;'Gölöne! Wdfterlo®, fupported by two
fo läp -f th e y ' had 'ridiculed me for complaining, after
a' confinement o f fo'many weeks on board the barges;
'White thefe gentlemen had been oift but ä few da^S'-and
fhore, the latter o f them- having attempted to
Accompany th e old Colonel -Fourgeoud to Wana'fwhom
b e ha'd'joined at LaRechellein Patamaca) b u f'W com -
$ pletely unfitted for ’proceeding by' his -very ‘firft entry
into the woods," I was at dinrter With a Mr. Day,'when
I faw him pafs by a miterabte fpe&aete, änff-chufirig^ to
: forget What had paffed at Devil’s Harwaf, and in reality
having a regard for this ‘geftttemah, I ftarted up imme-
diateil', and got him a eostehv in whihh I accompanied
him to his lodgings, where, having placed a centinel before
his chamber-door to keep out the rabble, I fent for
E e a a Doctor