moft aftonifhing diftance, and with fuch wonderful activity
and precision, that it never oncè miflès its aim:
the others one by one, and even the females, with their
little onèï'on thjlir hacks, which, flick faft to the mother,
follow their leader, and perform thé fame leap with the
greateft feeming. facility and fafety: they alfo are remarkable
for dimbing up the nebees or natural ropes,
with which many parts of the foreft are interwoven,
Thefe nebees grow in fuch a manner as to afford the appearance
at fir ft fight of a fleet at anchor.
The monkiés, I am told, have fométimes two young
ones .fucking, like the human fpecies. I have been a wit-
nefs; how thefe animals towards fun-let' afcend to the
tops of the palm-trees, feme of which afe above one
hundred feet in heighth, where they fieep fafe in the
large diverging branches.. The keefee^keefèe is fuch a.
beautiful and delicate fond creature, that it is by many
people kept as a .favourite* when it wears a filver chain.
Befides its mimic drolleries, it is remarkable for its goodnature
and chirruping voice, which pronounces peeteeco
peë.tee,GO: without intermiffion- They are eafily tamed, and:
are taken by means of a ftrong glue made by the Indians,
which is fo met hing like our European bird-lime.
The other fpecies, of the fhooting of which I have
juft given the horrid account, were-called by my negroes
mankte-monkee.- The only faffs which I can relate farther
of them is, that tftey are in fize between the two former
deferibed, and all over black. One circumftance l ought