CXIV P' coffin were ordered för my burial op the 17th, which
t-—r—j [had /prevented b^r dropping upon.h^r-knees' to implore/
a delay; that the had-dilpatcbed* a; black to her
aunt at gauconberg for .wine-vinegar, and a,bottle.of
old Rhenifh, with the fir ft of: which ther had» cpnft'antly
bathed my temples, wrifts, and feet,' by keeping without
intermiffion five wethankerchiefstied about them, while
with a tea-fpoon the had fpupd means to make -me .fwal-
low {a ; few: rdrpps of- th f ; wine: rnplled; - that; I had lain
mdtionlefs. during all’that time;; whileffichadd&y and;
night,.by the help of Quacoo apd an old nggfto, attendedr
mé, ;fti33 hopi|ig:for forrwtóch ffie ,i^W;
thanked her Gód. To all this'! eould onlyr.anfwer by thé
tear of fympathy that ftarted from my ieyes,- and a feeble,
fqueezeof my hand.
I had, howévef; fhe ;good .fortuqe to tecóvfir,^buf fo
flowly that, notwithftanding the great; care that r w»as; taken,
of me by that fexee0^-rycmpg!woman, .(t-o whomialope
walk by: ffiyfelf,. during ah wjtich firfifi ■ l w#^Tgayried m;
a. ipeaies, of chair .by tv^o. negroes, fiupportpd'>$q ; two:
poles;like a fedan, and fed. like,an infant,; beipg^fp- Jame
and enervated. that I was not able to bring my.hand?to
my mouth ; While poor Joanna fwhp< had fuffere,d- tpo
much on, »my account) was foy fey€^a}-4%y^ J^ nw jp g '
' very-ill heftfelf.jj/
Great was the johangq from wfiajt I had J?een huf
fliortly bgfoye-p-thep the mpft healthy and moil happy.
E X/P E iy i T l O Mi T O '& U R I NAM.
in-bbdy^hd mihdy ‘and now depreffed, to.therlbweff.ebb, ' ch a p
itfHh’fConstitution 4h<hmy fpiritsl /:My friend Heneman, f X[Vt
who tiffe d me every^da^iaMhis tihie-told.methat upon /
infolrmatibh * m edicine which had
% nearly killed me to be .Only tartar-emetick and ipecacuanha^
-butVih tod eat a; quantityy; vtz\ four grains- of
tlfewfil-ft, iiiixefdc with ■ forty*.- grains *. u fr ttlie latter; the
furgfeonhaving hhaftired' m y fconfthution b y my fize,
which is *abdve,'fix^feet. 1- was;i© xriufchj incenfedi at this
p i t e of fhipSdity?tHatbn' the 4th of 'JUriej having drank
ffift-Britaiimc Majety’s health;in--a rummer of Madeira, 0
and1 the 'fatal furgeon coming to make me a.bow, h e po
fooper put his- foot on the landing-place,' Where h was fit--.
tidg1fn my palanquin or chair for air, than, having pre-
vioufly'clubbed one :©f the poles that'carried -me; upon
my lhoulder, I let it fall , upon has! guilty pericranium,»
my ftrength being as yet too feeble to aim a. b lew .. The
poor fellow nq fooner. felt the weight of the ’pole, than
fo rg e l® !' Iheheft of his compliments, He Ikipped back-
iiitd his boat with all expedition», with which he deeamped-
as faft as the -negroes could row him, to ourrio fmall entertainment,
wkd faluted him with three cheers.
’About this time, while the troops were doing-nothing,
two of the braveft men in the colony, with the rangers,
entered th e woods, viz. Captain Fredericy,’ and the militia
captainf Stoelman; they killed three or, four o f the rebels,
atid- took a few more prifoners, who had been ltarv-
ing for want of fubfiftence ever fince Fourgeoud had ran-
Vol. I. Y y facked
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