were in water up to our very :arm^pifs;; Ffedericy novv
ordered a retreat, but delMh|jfc1iin£ :tp*W$&--for mfc* I took
off all nay cloaths, and with only niy fa-bre tfn ray teeth,
fwam by myfelf acrofs the Greek, Miete having ranged
the oppofite fhore, and finding nothing', 1 again fwam-
back, after which we all reftirried to the c-amp.
At noon, making my report to Colonel Foulgebtid, he
was aftoniftied indeed at this defpefate aifiabh, which Tin
fail he had not ekpedfced; but I was not lefs amazed When
he took me by the hand, entertaining- fmd with a bottle
'of wine, and ordering Monfieuf Lau|iht- to Feftfome
bacon-ham before me, to find, boweVe^ incredible
may appear, that the one - was a&ually four, and ’ the
other creeping with live worml^ while my *owri'J pfo-
vifions, now bis, which were frefh, were withheld’me."
This raeannefs fo much exafperated me> that, ffor tihg tip,
I left Fourgeoud, his valet, Bis wine, and'lafs"reptiles,
with that contempt which 'they defer-ved, alh&iating rfiy
hunger with a pieee'of dry rufk bifcaii" ancf a harbieded
fifh, called wafappa, which I got from a riegrbi1 ^
On the yth of January we marched again ; an d ; this
day having caught one of thofe beautiful large buitiffttes
of which I made mention during my cruize in th^ fiver
Cottica, I will here- attempt to-give a more particular de-
fcription of it, though I know nothing about their names.
This fly meafufed, in the’ extenfion of the wings fr6m
tip to tip, about feven indies; the -colour' of both the
fuperior and inferior wings is of fuch a vivid and fplendid