large ourang-audiaug to the very fmall fareaWiskee. The
fiaxwet, however, ! stew t Ibavé-feifty hor hear^éèfcrlheti,
while Ï was its this country; a*s tof the latter, I lhall describe
him on another ©écafion, sinnf lhall ö ö l^ 'for
prefeaty give an account of tte fe ’whieh I met with
on this-crttif& That which L fhot the; fëcöödrihÈahtlf
what is called in- Surinam micoo: it is 'fteiriy ïhè.tfjfitèéï of
a &$, and of a reddiÉt grey Colouiy Unthihia&k 'Médd'
and very long tail. Thofe I killed on the tenth-were indeed
exceedingly beautiful, and much more delicate when
deeded than the former-: they are cSlled the kejfaè-kifcfèè'
\r} the inhabitants, are about1 thé- &ze' of" a rabbit,:, drtü
molt aftonilhingly nimble. The colour of their’body is
reddifb, and; the tail,- Which is long^fe black atjthe extremity
\ bufthe fore-lèet aBh ör^gS^éfenr. Thé head
is very round, the face milk white, with a round- black
patch in the middle, in which, are the mouth and1 the
noftrils ; and this difpolition of the features g iv é it the
appearance of a malk: the eyes are black, and remarkably
lively. Thefe monkies- we faw daily' jSafs’along the
lidfes of the river, fkipping from tree to tree, but,moffcly
about mid-day, and in very numerous bodies, regularly''
following each other like a little army, with their young
ones on their backs, not unlike little knapfacks. Their!
mafiner o f travelling is thus: the foremoft walks to
the extremity of - a- bUugh, from- which: it bound# id the'
extremity of one belonging, to the next tree, often at a