grpatjmftriafipangfri Irefufed tp,gbm,myjepneurrence, and c h a p .
>ye rpwid dpwi* sw|th Ikin ^ D e ^ ’s l^apys^r. vb -'
; afp prefervejj in the Britifli.
Pa^ypfc^s Mufeums.;, M i$f,polled by Mr.
; and Mm in thp: Britifli Enoyclopcedia,
tp which i pn.bliftat^;jl refer the reader fur, a perfect account,
and an e&celjlent ^graving, p£;jhis wonderful
creature*whichm ;the eplony Sprin^m^gahed Aboma.
Ms length# when fpll grown,; is la id to be lometimes
forty feet, and mor.e than fpnr ig e t in circumference;
ks’oolcmr is a gr^enifli thdhagk \ afipe brownifli
yjeioi^mn tthet foies# £ .and a dH ^w h k q iRndey tha belly ;
the .-.back: '.andlfiides being - fpottpd | with irregular black
ring^jWkhia pure white in th g jimddle. dt^he^d is broad
and a large
mouth, and a .double now o^.teeth: it has two bright
prominent |eyes|;iis: covered all ioyer with icales, fqme
about ithe figse <©f a >fbillingj;.jand und^ctbgdjpdy, mear
the. tail, crimed with two itroög. 4aw5 life© cp^-fpnr^,, .tp
help it in.feiaing ite; prey. f It ift. aniamphibious anipial,
'thatdsy itdèlightsdn low and jmarfbyiplacfg, whgr® kfoss
boiled up dike ia rope, , and (.concealed undgr mojfe/ rptten
timber, arid dried leaver, ;to 'feign- |ts >;prey by furprize,
which from itsdmmdnferbulkit i§ npt ja<^iy#
■puffue. When hungry,} it will .d^ypunparty.animal that
comes ;within.its reach, .and is indifferent whether it. is a
dloth, a wild hoar, % flag,: ;.Qsrj eyeh:# •tjg§i‘ ; rqupd which