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C h A1 p. S m
X .
Cokkei Foitrgeokd marches Jo the Watia Creek—Harajfes
the Enemy—Account Of th'e'MahicoleTree?with) its "'various
^/yjr-Marcb to the
Some Rebels taken—Shocking Treatment of':‘a%\munded
captive Negro.
ON the 25th of October, being ready to proceed?
I upon my fecond campaign, I repaired to the
waterr-fide at fix o’clock in jhe evening^ where, inftead
of a tent boat, I found a greafy yawl, with a few drunken
Dutch failors, to row me to an eiiate in the ri^b’ifCome-
wina, whence they were going^fo bring their captain
back to Paramaribo; and from w h ic tr ^ a ^ I might, if I
pleafed, beg the reft of my paffage upwards, pr manage
far myfelf in the heft manner I was able. - T h a i already
«one foot in the boat, when, reflecting that I was going
voluntarily on a hazardous expedition without orders,
and only from a defire to ferve an ungrateful people, I
repented, and ftepped back upon the fhore, where, pofi-
tively declaring 1 would not move in their defence till I
fhould be decently tranfported, fhould the whole colony
be on fire, I was feconded by all the Englifh and Americans
in the town, and a general tumult took place.
The Dutch exclaimed againfi; the expence of a tentboat
(boat'which wonl'd c©ft them thirty Ihillijags,xwhen-.th'ey
r|<|qujd'hakejsfhe.)OthqE forunothihg^iwmle. the others- de-
I clarpd theyhvdre aifet of. mean and parfi motions wretches,
■ who deferred .nstoth® fthalleftfhrntediion from Cblon&l
vEohrgebii^stt|hQpssj[ Afjmdti collided,',an A a«: riot enfued,
before ; M r . f t h e w^r^ficie* .while
^hats,; wi&sjd)d|tfe&,oand[glaffes,iffiew,?out at his-?windows.
•jThfi raagiftfat-es were' next«fen.'tvfor>fb.ut; ftornd ipurpofe:
and, thuffighting continutedKindthe ftreet.-tilf tehlo/elock
rat' night* /when) I withcnilyffriends>.fe.ifly!*kdpf fhe- field,
•'h&yiregt khnckedsdown fe yd ml; failors,‘plante felfjew's,“’ and
joyerfeers,;and. loft one.of my piftals,’ which I threw after
Ithe>rabble in ~alpafiiorr; uior 'wouldrif have ended.here,
ihad ihsat.’inXy (fxiepdvMr;.Kennedy,^;wHoi:\fas pxemfeer of
the flbiurt of ‘Pidi%/)5and> twos o‘r' three more gentlemen
•whom; shd'.hrdught: with him,! found:’4means to app^afe
ihe'difputantsy by .^declaring' I had bSehivery ill treated,
and fhould have a proper’hd^t the next day. 1
Having now flept and refrefhed'myfelf. a-few hoursj I
was .waited* oin by four American? captains, viz;- Captain
Timthons of'the Harmony, Captain: Lewis of the: Peggy;
Captain Bbgard of the Olive Branch, add Captain Minet
of the America, who infilled on my refilling hny veflel
whatever from the colony this time, and offering tO-ferid
me up in one of their own boats, manned by their own.
failors only, to’which each would equally contribute. I
can aver,- that notwithftanding the threatening rupture
between Great Britain aiid her Colonies, which feemed
• Vol? I. F f fflPH then
I I P ’'Nil