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IBHlRi pli
were going to join Fouigeoud about this time, arid weak,
as I was, I intreated once more to be one of the party. But
on the morning of the a6th, his adjutant, with another fur-
geon, vifiting all the troops that were in Comewina., I wag
deemed totally incapable of fupporting the fatigue : indeed.
fo much fo, that relapfing on the 29th, I was even
glad to be fuperfeded in the com mand of the! river by
the. major, Mr. Medlar, who arrived at the'E^ope: this
day for that purpofe. Neverthelefs I was coride’mned
to linger at this place, while one month at ^Paramaribo
-might,have perfedlly recovered me.—I had nownothing
to do, but to continue my drawings, for which the above
gentleman at that time offered me one hundred crowns,
but my defire was, if poffible, to complete the cblle^ibh;
and when I had the ftrcngtb, I walked round the plantation
with my gun. Araqngft others,, I fhot, on the
3d of September, a fmah bird, called kHry-fow/Of on account
of its continuing in a manner conftantl-y under carverI
t was about the fize of a thrufla, and very much the
colour of a quad, which it alfo exactly refembled infhape,
but the limbs were rather longer, and the bill was extremely
fharp-pointed. This bird: is very feldom feen
on the wing, but runs incredibly faff through the grafc
and favannas, where it hides itfelf the infbant it is perceived.
When dreffed, it was as fat as a lump of butter,
and as delicious as an European ortolan*
On the n t h of September, Fourgeoud at laft broke up
from Crawaffibo, and,, with all the able troops he could
* collect
cbffea '('$h*ieh/Were 'now not much more than one
hundred}--'bei-again marched into the .foreft after the'
erienif;' having pfevioufly taken away the poft from the
Jew SaVannahg which he placed at'thefdrfäken eft ate
Orarijebo,: ih tlfo very upper parts of Rio Comewina,
leaving the?fiver Sprinam-to take care of itfelfl
‘‘ On the 19th Of -tMs ffionth in the forenoon, a herd of
fwine, -catf-bd .;(mbre; than two'hundred' in
number)-having-loft their wäy in the foreft,"'came to the
Hope, galloping oVer th'e plantation^when’4bove' a fcore
of them were killed by the riegrbes, who knocked t,hem
down with their bill-hooks aridakes.'^In Surinam the
wild -boars^ äffe of three5 fpetaes ; which-1'will embrace
this Opportunity ‘to defcribe — ihefe are t h e ^ p i ^ 0r
Waree ^above-mentioned, the cras-pingo} and the Mexican
hog, called 'the 'pUcWy-: -The pingvs are abbut the' fize
of -our'EngM* fmalbhogs?;' they are black,-and have
coarfe ibriftles thinly fcattered; they'live in herd? of
fotoötitoil abd^e three hundred, in the thickeft parts’ of
the -foreft, :ahd-run always in a line, the-'one- clofely following
the other • when the ¥oremoft or leader i^fho'r,
.thbdine.is--iriftantly: broken, and the whole herd'is in
confufiom; for which reafbri the Indiäns':take care (if
pbffible)'/ tocknock their 'daptäin on the head 'bkfefb
-the reft • after this the -ethers .even often ftand ftill,
ftupidly looking at one another, and allowing them-
felves. to be killed one b f one, ofiWhich I have - been a
withefs. They do not1 attack the human ipecie^, not
Z z a make
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