///p^r%ts$$>7rste/ r//,
| We now paffed a numberof; fine, plantations, but I
could not help . taking iparticular^ijQtifce 0f the Cacao
eftate, called Alkmaar, fituatedorf the. right fide in rowing'
tip.the river-IComewina, W h ich ^'n o lefs confpi-
euous for its beiaiity than .for Itjho ;gpg>claefsr_ o f ,its proprietor,
4he < invaluable lady the wf^K: Gqdefroy, whole
humanity and;feendlhip muft ahyay s; be’remembered by
■ mewuhgratitudeii"; |
; At our arrival m the effcate Sporkefgift,, I had the
pleafure tovbe.the fpe^tator of an inftance of juftice which
«afforded me the-grgateft/atis^aion.
. . The fcgpe confiftgd,in Mr..M§cneyl’s turning theovet-
feer out of his feryice, • and ordering, „him to depart from
,the plantation in an .inferior boat,.'called a -pofikse to-
.Paramaribo, or wherever.he: thought proper; which was,
.inftantaneoufly put in execution. - The caufegpjf his.
• difgrace was having," by bad .ufage and cruelty, :caufed;the
death of three or four negroes* 'r.-His departure was made
' compleatly joyful,to all theflaves^by an holiday, which
-was fpent in feftivity,-by;d^ncrng^and -clipping h a q ^ o n
a green before the dwelling-jhoufe windows.
The oVerfeer’s fentence whs the more'ignominious .and
. galling, as at. the time of receiyingita ’^egro foottbo.y,,
. whQ;Wa^.hpckling hisfhoes, was ordered back, .and he, was
defired "W buckle tbeinhimfelf. ^Th&fpirited conduit o f
. this planter, 'the joy of his negroes^ the - falubrity of the
' * A />««'I f ^ a ' flat-bo’ttomedf oat of fdttr'or fix oars, fomething like a fquare-toed:
;flioe; fometimes it'has a tilt, and>fQmetiffi«an$*-