CHAP., banks and fituation of the river Surinam, as he had be-
. fore done thofe of Rio Comewina and Rio Cottica. ;
. At this tin^e died. Captain Barends, one of the ;mafters
of the; in commiffipn, in»
cafe, they fhould be wanted- for our return to Europe.
Five or fix faihjrs now were buried; every day,, belonging
tp the; merchant ihips,. who^e la^neritable fate I cannot?
pafs by unnoticed» being, actually ufedy worfe than the
negroes in this fcoEehing elimater where» b,eiMes rowing
large flatdbbttomed barges, up andd-owp thbifiyet^ day
and night» for.C9ffee»fugar, &e. an<h^ir^ e^ofed-to the;
burning fun and'heavy; rains» and betides flowing th s
above commodities in a hold as hot as an oven» they, are;
obliged to row every upftart planter for.his^eftafie at ^
call, which faves the gentleman £& ^anyiiiejptees.* and for
which they receive, in return, nothing—many itim es not lb
much as a mouthful of meat and drink;; palliating h-unr
ger and thirft» by begging from the flayes,a.few bananas
or plantains,; eating oranges andjdrinkingrwater,, whichi
in a little time relieves them from tenery; xx)mplaipt> by;
fhippirig them off to eternity, In every part of the colony
they are nobetter treated, but, like horfes* they muff fhavd
ing;unloaded the veffels) drag the commodities^ theydif-:
tant ftore-houfes,being bathed in fweat, and bullied with
bad language, fometimes with blows; while a few negroes
are ordered to attend, but not tn work, by the direction of
their matters, which many would willingly do to relieve the
drooping failors» to whom this ufage muff be exceedingly;
E :X P E D I T I 0 m T O ?S m R IN ' AM. 99
-disheartening arid galling planters even employ
Ath b f ^ n a ^ i btoi/ paint c their houfes, \clean thpir | fafli-
Iwind@wd;>,amdldo; numherlefs other ;menial fervices, 'for
-which a feaman was nfe-te^i^'tended^ \Alhthis fe; done to
Tave th,,sofi {th^rn negroes^ while; byathis ufage
;thorifan5dsHane/fwCf t (to th e grave,iiwh@iip jh e J io e o f theif
pro.feffion afeufesmight have liyed;for many yeafe; ipor
the W'fjft'India iGaptpine tbiffefufe their men»-whh-
igjut incurring.the vfif^e&fjire and-lbejing
-theihfliips rpt in thS/hanhour withou tfa ;loa,bng |h£Pay,-1
have heard’ a5fa&tpr*fe-ryehtly with h e. h a < | f b o r n ; a negro,
andyheg&o be^emplpyed amoipg-ftjthcm ip pi^fiFat-
in g fa^Gdffee plantation.-ƒ
,n®W - took ande^My,,'b^^rfe€hit'^|tp^riqujre>^f;'-.%s.
fiemelly wha& was become hf4|h^amia,blo J^janna; and
"Was informed that her lady» |f f p ^ .had] Reaped
,to, Holland.'onrboardithe Boreas;jrnan-pf-fway» underithe
prote&ion o f Captain >Y-an-defVelde^ and that her .yopng
mulatto was now ati-tbe hopfe o f her aunt,-afree,,wqman,
wheneefhe • expected hourly tp ,be fent >up :tp th e ^ jja te
f'a uconbeigyfriendlefe5 and"at*tbb mercy- effom ^ u n p rim
cipled overfeer appointed by the creditors,, who h ad now
taken pbffeffion of the plantation and*ftpQk,t'ilbt^r whole
fhoUld be fold to pay the federal futns duet©1 them b y
Mr. D. B.—-Good; God!—I flew to the fpot in fearch of
poor Joanna : I found her bathed in tears. — She;fgave
me ftich a. look—ah ! fn c h b ’lobk !-^Fr©m that moment d
determined to be? her protestor againff every-intuit, and
perfevered, -as flialKbe feeniri the fequel.—Here* .reader*
let my youth, blended w ith .’extreme fen Ability, plead my
Yol. I. . * O 2 ' : excufe;