b ar; hefides which a white man was fcourged before the
court houfe, by the public executioner, who is in this
country always a black. The circumftance which led.
me to take particular notice of this affair, was the. ftiame-
ful irijuftice of (hewing a partiality to the European, who
ought to have been better informed, by letting him ep^-
cape With only a flight corporal puniffiment \ while the
poor uneducated African for the fame crime,'viz. Sealing
money-out *of the Town Hall,, loft jhis life under- the modj
excrutiating torments,, which^he fupported wkhoufcheaf-
ing a figh or making, a complaint y
jianions with the; dHfojneck,« and j*ift./OU
the point of being.,turned, offom^erpcl^ a- laugh of'.eopr,
tempt at the magiftrateswho-attended; the e^cu$qm«
I ought not in this, place to omit, that ..the.negro; who
flogged the white man inflicted the puniffiment; with
the greateft marks of commiferation. Thefe .trapfa<ftiOp&
almoft induced me to decide betiye^n the Europeans and
Africans in this colony, that the firft were the greater
barbarians of the two—a name which tarnifties «Chrif-
tianity, and is bellowed on them in too many corners of
the globe, with what real degree of juftice I will not take
on me to determine.
Having teftified how much I was hurt at the cruelty
of the above execution, and furprized at the intrepidity
with which the negroes bore their puniffiment, a decent
looking man Hepped up to me, “ Sir, (faid he)- you
jg are but a new-comer from Europe, and know very little
« about
«about-tle African ftaves* or-ypu wouMtbftifyboth lefs C H AP
«-feeling and furpri^et.; .Not-long' kgo,’(continued he) I Vi.,
• fufpended alive from* a^gdUowsy foy
“ the* ribs,-between .whWk^.with a knife, was; firft made
« an incifion, and then clinched ran- iron, hook’With/
« a - c h a i n t h i s . -m a n n e r . h e keptr:alive three
« -bamgingwithfojs hqadLand feefodbwh-wards, and Cateh-
ct ;fog With ’his-;,tQ3agud.'the-'drops' of. Water: f (it being in*
d thefra%y^afon) kb'at;weriie. flowing down-his blpated?
« hreaft. *rNpfeMan^ing' allf this? foe? nefeer^orapiaihed^
“ ;and even upbraided* au.negrpr.fQr-; crying; while, he was-
« flogged below the gallows, bylcallirigroutto him~Yon
1 .yoi*a man? you behave like*
was knocked' on the'
« Head by the commiferatjng fontry, who flood,over him,.
« with t^e butt end qfohis muffeet.”—^ AnotheK negro*
« (laid he) ;I have feen quartered alive;, who* ^flerTour
“ ftrong horfes! we^e fafteped/ to his^legs ,-apd;armSr' and;
*? after %3Wng^'had iromi^i^Sc;dt4^mfhom§ Underneath!
u every one of his nails.on, hran^audfeet^ without a mo-
« tion, he firft afked adram, and then bid them pull away*
« wfthout a..grom; but what afforded us the greateft. ente
rta inm en t, (continued he) were,the..fellow’s,jokes*
“ by ; defiring the executioner todrink before him, in eafer
« there fliould chance to be ppifop in .the jglafs,.and?bid-r
«ding him take care of his horfes,,,left apy of them,
« fliould happen to ftrike backwards., As for old men
il being broken upon the rack, and young women roafted
« alivu