{hips which r had fo lately undergone ftill bad an effèdfc
■upon, ^yieöRfttatioït» amö; enormous boils* broke out o,a
,my left „thigh, which entirely pretexted me from walking.
Myphyftctap, h©\feye& o rd e rly me; daily to take
t l ^ / ^ y ft$jj waitipgvpn^lais
excellency fpe^öv-eröor olthe'colonyi by the help of my
friend,Jy.ennedy’s .ehaife; .and as I returned homeward,
1 flopped; the . carriage atvthe. water.- fide*.. to behold a
groupof human beings,, who had ficongly aftradted my
attention.. I This group I ihall eircntóftantklly endéa-
vojuE defcribe»* ‘ They | .were a dro'ye. o f ; ne\^y.-im-
ported negroes? nje^i^id'jwémèc^mthr; ar f ém e h i^ e n j
who;were ju ft landed | from on board a: Guinea ftfip/that
lay at anchor in the roads, to be fold .for. flaVes; The
whole, party was fuch a.fet o f fcarcely ariiipatedi automatons,,
fuch a refurredtion of ikiivand bone's,-, as. forcibly
reminded me The.feft: trumpet -'' Thefê..objèasf.'ap-
peared that moment to be rifen froaa the.grave^or efcaped
from Surgeon’s Hall; and I confefs I can. give/no better
defcription. óf them? than by. comparing them: to walfc-r
ing ikeletons : covered oyer. with. a...piece of tanned
a And the Lord eaufed me to pafs by. them .ipund
u about, and behold there, were/many in the open yalr-
« ley , and lo they were very. dry.. ;
« And he faid unto me, Son.of 'Man, can, thefe hopes
u live ? And I anfwered, O Lord God thou knowefl:.’*’
—TLzekieL,. xxxvii. ver. a, 3.