C J I ,4 fP:. j B E y
fhf&p Efiafes hurpjfr ana we
ReiflSv—Rea/ 'Ttfijjirq tyMtjfefy
i o f ,a March tbrmgb the
Fpurg£oud ana the “ 3remaining ‘.Tibhpi^ldiij} Etird-
O lvT the 27th e f AnguS: I relieved Captain Orzinga
with his men, and took the command of. Devote
Harwarj having been on board the Ghaixm'exadtly fifty-
fix days, in the moft wretched condition fhat cant be de-
fcfibed : but I hoped now to get the better of my complaint
b.y the help of a few refrefhments, fuch as milk,
See. which could not be obtained in our former fixation.
The Society troops (above one hundred in number) being
to fet off next day with my empty barges to La Rochelle,
in Patamaca, I reviewed my marines, when I found I had
left out of five officers but two, who were both fick, the
three others being dead; I had alfo only one lerjeant, two
corporals, and fifteen privates, out of fifty-four healthy
men, who embarked with me on the 2d day of laft
July. This army was not more than fufficient to defend
the hofpital, (which was crouded with fick) the ammunition
and victualling magazine, 8£c. on a fpot where
lately had been kept three hundred foldiers, particularly
3 While
'while the enemy were certainly lurking not e f f 1 in ■ c,hap.
cohfidesatip® *whicbytTthe S^|#yi^Gaptain reinforced- , VIIf‘ ,
me with twentiy»afi.hiM»nien4«l Tberijiexl $yeninglis#;5$n*t
tettaipedi me .wilb.a- fnpper.^-of|
fnefii ^MhbQfcksibafcan&ibofti%d«#0;>purngrqak-comfort
and fbrprize^ l^mto whichdJol^yiWnfpf akablje .mprtifica- 4
tion, proved to be the individtpl poor cow with heg\calfy.
pn whom w,e had h u ilt all. our hopes for a little relief.
.ft appeared that.one'of his fentineis/as'eoncerted^ between
tbetnj|had fliQt it by a'wilful miftakje. Thus did Captain
Orzinga*, for the fake p f a lpomentary gratification., deprive
on'whicb we niad to •
much depended,,and -of which we nad fo mdcn* need,
heihg ajtp&^ber emaciated forwant. oft^^pleiome
nptrpiye food* ,
On the morning .of the 28th the , Sdpety troop^ rowed
to Patamaca^ when, examining» the twenty foldiers* they
had left me, they proved to 'be the -refufe of the whole,
part with agues*}wounds*j}yqpgBres, and rotten limbs,
and moft of them next day were obliged to enter the
hofpitah •
-On the »9$i,i{baling b^ftopaded ,my>,Iate pilot for
ftealing from, the foldiers, I - difpatchfid .tpe, information
to:; Coloncl{ oudi j Jth^t Ji-b ^ , |t^k5en poft,n and: acquainting
him with my weak fituation, roqiieiled^i proper,
reinforcement. In the evening two of, my men ,died.
; All things* new. beingregulated andrffettde^>f I thanked
Heaven in the expe&ation dj£^getting foHiejreft* being
A as2 , ftill