chap , poffefs all- who> while
J 5 L * they expea a-future Rate, never 7git^their mwfy thp
fmalleft uneafmefsy but die ip peace ; nay, whofeldom
think upon to-morrow.. Rut, w h i^ 'h
fpecies of negative happinefs, let it. not be uiide^rRoodfhat
to the contented European I have held up their condition
as an objedt of envy, ■ r
For ra better-idea of, their fuxnitnre, aipi
arms, I t^fer, the curious ftp the annexed,
M0 i. is an Indian cpriala pr capoe, which is gene-
rally made of ond tree.
. a. Paddles in place of oars, 'M
3* A fieve called mquary. ■
4* An Indian fan, or ’ipny-way,
5‘ A ftool called nwl%e.
- 6. A pagala or bafl^et.
7- A matappy or caRaya preft.
8. An Indian bow.’
a 9- Arrows for Ihooting fifh. ;
19. A blunted arrow fprrbirds.
n . Qommon arrows barbed» -
I2;*» Smaijrgpifonpd arrows.
*3- The pipe on tpbe to blow them.
. 14- A crown of various feathers.
$S* An apron called queim.
ifi. An Ind|an earthen pot.
37. An apo&foa or Indian club.
isr 18.