C' ® AT: im£d, and’had almoR' perpetrated the a<St o f which I Was
XIV' acéüfëd; fmcë, on cröfling over a frhall bridge, I actually
give a fuddémtwift, »and, froth' their ihoulders, threw
myfelf with a jerk headlong over the bahrftrades once'
more into the wkter. Here a fecond time I was picked
n p by* thé negroes-; and now the' fufpicion being confirmed
that I intended fidfcidei I was pat? to nry hatn-
mock, with two fentinels appointed to guard me during'
•the-'night,- while feveral of my friends were Iheddiiig
-tears aroUnd me. Having, however, drank fome mulled
-wine, 1 enjoyed a found nap till morning; when appealing
calm and perfe&ly corripofcd, my words,- to töy great
jo y f began to gain credit, and the apprehenfitMS d f my
-companion's were daf|tóHed. “ ‘SUel»tW'as the danger to
which I was expofed by the unkind and ihhöfpkabïe'
‘béhaviour of this Frenchman, who n early -obliterated the
memory of this tranfa&ion b y his many fötceeding instances
of nnprecedented hrutality/ 'The following day,
fro wever, hy one of my heroes and a fihali eaa#^1!
Sent my letter to Paramaribo. Seeing now- Shout- noött a’
melafles-boat at anchor before the Hope, in which- Was
broiling in the fun an Englifh foldier and two negroes, I
made the firft dome aihore, and entertained the poor,
fellow with a bowl of punch and a good-tiaeal Of eggs
and bacon, to his great furprize, he not having expe&ed
this kindnefs, or to be accofted in his own country language
at this place. What were this man’s grateful-AO-i
knowledgments, whofe name was Charles M&cdböalÖ,*
will he feen in the fequel o f my work.
A melaffes-
AmclafTes-boat’is a Barge rowed by two oars, which CHAP,
fetches this commodity in large-hogiheads from the fugar . XIV‘_.
plantations, anddehvers it on hoard th e Englifh-American
' &>• be, di£*lje$$int» rum in theiSlands*;
fprt which they pay the Dutch,, on amaverage»v.
three guineas per hogfhead..
©n the ihth anothep office^, arrived from our hero under
aUt Strife (the firft.was a-Mr.-G^lgpin^ this-.was-
»Mr; Meyf*h' ibc.-the c rj^ ^ q f' 4»flt$ading ,-w^th the free-
negro-Goafaiy- for a bunch o f planfaiiis^ ; Both/thefe-
ypuPg;pi€|p.:were aftprw^rds lent-toEurope b&^oup-
geoudj in e&pq&ation that they-would be ,brokpHbyK a ■
court-martial'; but, after a*ypry fhor^conEP^tnentj-the^
were honourably acquitted,- to the jpy .pf the yyhole?eq£p,s,,,
and" the mortification of this heftoringjSy ifs. Such was.
the luvptgracy of, this old gontlenran^yvho- had not the
finallefi: confideratiomfor the - foibles, of yguth,; and who*
epntftandy faw the mote in the;eye of-his neighbour, pvpr— -
looking, the beanuthat appeared fq,confpicuQull,v in. his-
own. As I hav.e b.epnfpeakipg ofjplan,tains, I Shall take,
this occasion to givcfppTeaccpurrt of apFoduition, which,,
in fa(5t, I ought to have defcribe^ lhUS before. •
This is rather a plant than a>tyefe,.as the trm^hfs;'neither
wood nor b a rk ^ b p t3 p p ^ l^ ^ ^ j||j^ j|p pniyf^nped.te'
green, vafcularhuSks, ■fucceeding.*eachwother in..the.jnwr-
ner of an onion, and »ah© ve ten inches in diamet£:$v 'fhefe;
hufks rife alternately about fourteen fe^j: fdifeai^e frpmu
the. ground,; and form-not in branphe^.buti^ feay|Sjhhat:
3 B.■ a ■ ,. ; Spread! -