London,,Published-T)tcTll* j Jff$j by Jl Johnment
from the fliipsi A long-boat, with one of our chap .
Captains'* was afterwards 'difpaïehêd to Paramaribo, to ah- ^ _*•_ ^
bounce to the governor the arrival óf the'troops in the
höÏóöVi *
D u riî^o û r ffayiri this place the companies frequently
walked bn fhdre,-and' I accompanied them in theirl ex-
curfions*f> but the- plfeafure I had flattered nrÿfeff with,
from'exchanging'the 'confinement of a fliip* fbr the liberty
of rahgirfg%her a delicious Vcduiïtóry, was'damped
by the firft db}e6t: which prefented' itfélf after my landing.
This whs a young' female flave, whofé’ öilly covering
-was à rag'tied round her loins, which*, like her
ikin, was lacerated in -feveral placés'by'the ftroke of the
Whip. The crime which had- heen committed By this
mifefabfe victim of tyranny, was the nompbfformancb of
a tâfk to which Ihe .was apparently unequài, for which.'
fhe was fentenced to receive two hundred laflies, arid tb
drag* during fome months* a chain federal yards iff
length, one; end of which was locked; round her ancle,,
and to ? the other ’Was' affixed à wèîght of atdeaft'â hundred
pounds. Strongly affected with this Blocking cir-1
cumftancè, I took a draft of the unhappy fufferer, and retained
a dreadful idea of fh e ’iiihumanity of tnb planters1
towards thefe'miièrable fubjeéfcs to their power.
’ The grafs in this part of the country was veïy long'
and cdarfè, and afforded a harbour to two fpbcaes óf very
difàgreeablé ihtèétsf termed lu ttâ t and Sorapaî liée by ■
the colonifts* which; fettled dn every part of oiir pèrfons. .
C 6 The