z66' N A R R A T I V E O F A N
; fi’llll
tacked by the negroes, as it muff have been impofliMe
to make any refinance, theground rbeing ^Fewed jvvi'tb
cbfereffed;obj©^<that appeared, £&$>& all of then; hi faging;;
fevers. Defpair now feemed to be impreffed even, upon
FoUrgeohd’S conntenaneeji. as helby'pmftrate ©n the ©atth,,
with his tips and tongue parched black; and in
ditiooI though fb little defer ying■of it, he again; attradfedl
my pity.
During all this,, feme of the fold-lei's ilill devoured fait
porkwhile others crept on all fours and licked the ;fc^nty
drops of dew from, the fallen leaves, that Jhy feagtefedl
on the ground. 1 now experienced the kmdnefeiof(Which;
a negro is capable wheft: he is Ufutl treated b y h is ? JJMrfteffc
being pnefenfed by one attending me with a large cali—
baih: of-as good water as ever T drhnk h® feyhfey and:
this he met with* after unfj^akhbleMMfficuk)i,!JIii the"
leaves of a few wild pine-appte pkrafe,dfmm» which it WhSs
extra&ed in the following manner :~
The plant. js: held in ©he? handy, and' a fabre in the
other, when at one blow it is levered from the; root*,
through the thick under parts of the leaves. It is thieiir
held over a cup or calihafh,. and the water flows pure,,
cook and to the quantity fometimes of a quart fron®
each plant.. This water has been caught in the time of'
the rains- by the channeled leaves of the plant, and conveyed
to their proper refervoir- Some other negroes,
feund means to relieve themfelves from the voattr-withyyi
but this was not fnfficient to affifl; the dying troops-
J, The
The a kihd'oT Veiry thick nebee of the
vide 'fpCCfesj whi«ch,!g,ifeWs only in very fandy places, this
being fl'0&.ed with the fapre in long; pieces^ and fuddenly
held to the mOu$h, produces a limpid dream, apd affords
a ple'affngl|-®pb^aefid healthy beverage,,of great ferfeice in
the* parchin^/foi^ftS’-df 4pUiaUui i f
'H A& -'Pro’fMfece^ Hgpffij grateioufly feat" me ».this, fupply, I
could not for my fo&Lrefiff the impplfe of fharingmy relief
with podtFoUtgeotttdV whofmage.andrnatural infirmi--!
ties pleaded grbattyifiyhfe’favour; and whoyhsing, now re-
frefhed, faW- himfblf at laih obligator «return, withdut.any
further hope ©f> overtaking the eherny. Rut forexhaufted
was the par tyyl that many ."were carried ora Mngipsdcs in
their; hajpamockf by the flayeS, ^
A-SMbdlaft7fef&uree, opr commander now detached,the
Berb-fcean, negro, GukfaH&f.by himfelf,; fonr;y if he-could
bring him any intelM^enffiewhilewe continued .opr, estreat..
AS' we returned by our former« fbotfleps, aad yof e£»fe-
quence approached- the pit we had dug„yefter,dayj
edfi^i«scdd|that by thr^thtse it mufe.contam clear,wafer.
j therefore difpatched. my hoy Quaco to the?fronts to fill
©tie o f my gallon. bottles before it rilroMdtshi, jch ^ a^ ^ to»
it. puddiej and this he did« but f|iejteg;»reteo©?iyfe: retur®
by Colonel Fou%eoudy-he with the butt end of .his gun
relentlefsly knocked the bottle to pie.eesy such doubling,
his patfe>! placard; two fentinels at tfeipit,. withy.
preferve<the Water: ah. for . JMuaafebf;ande-MS'; -
But at this moment fubordinatran being, .extiUguilhcch
Yol, L. Mm.a; Kj the