-cëive the melaflés as it drops fifomthefugar, 'ahd ‘convey
it into afqaare ciftern placed underneath to receive it.
The difiMèrÿ joins ^|his apartment, Wheife the drofs or
ifcum o f the boiling ïhgar is converted into a kind of
rum, mentioned before, and known by the tïkme of -kill-
.devil, 'hvery 'eftate in Sürîfïarn keeps h^teht-boat*àhd
Several other cialt, ffor The prodtide \
they havehlfo h covered 'dock, to “keep thërirdïy and Repair
The fugar efiates in this colofiy cdntain five or fix
hundred acres ; the parts ;fdr ' cültivatiôn tfeing divided,
into fquares, where piecês" o£f cihe, abbut one ‘foot long,
are ftuck into, the ground in an'bhiique pdfition,1 in® rows
firaight and parallel. They hfually plant them in the
rainy icaforf, when Me eh rh is' well fbakCd hridJ-ich.
The MoôU'Mat..^înglfrdiiia thefeljoiiits are abbut twel%
or fixtéen months :in arriving-ât ftrattfi^yS <:Whëh ftffpj
’become yellow, and o f die thicknefishf à Getrriân fhit'e,
hnd from fixhb ten feèt in height, and jdïfitëd, fottniog
a vëry;beautiTül appearance, with -pale gÆendëâvërs dike
Mdfe h f alèèkj h u t longer and denticulated, and'which
hang dowii às the Crop hëcbriiés1 ready for cutting. The
principal bûfinëts of the fiaves during th e ’gtcnvth b fih e
eanes is puffing up the weeds, vfoich wduld otherwife
dmpbvefilh them.
Some fugar eftates have‘àbbve fbtir huhthed haVês.
T h e éxpènce Of püfChafing'thèfej'ahderectingthe huikl-
§ . 1 |1