N AR R A T ï V È O F A N
quantities. Itg^roWs about fix or . e|§tk'f feet high, thick,at
bottom, jointed and prickly- all the way to the top, where
it is‘>very finally I and divided" into .three or four .large
ftnooth oval leaves, which pofiels almoft the quality of
Mifteting by?their violent adhefiom to the ;ikinv. r
: As we approached the Charon in the evening, I,found
my fentinel.faft afleep, which enraged .me fo rriuqh, > that»
having quietly entéred onv board1 th e b a rg è ,I fired ray
piftol- clofe to his ear, ju ft: over his head* affuring him
that I would the next time blow it through his..,br aips ï-
the whole crew flew to their arms,;and the poqrcfefiqvsr
had nearly leaped into the water. But however, it might
be neéeffary to threaten in this manner*: at a poft wjiffh
a furpjize. might be fatal,' it would have r been t ,ex-
ceflive cruelty to havé executed it in .fuch a fituation,
where the bite of the mufquitoes rendered it impoffibie
to reckon upon fleep at ftated times; $ and thus.the interruption
of it at one time made the approach Of it unavoidable
at another.
We now returned, on the 27th, to Gormoetibo Greek,
where my negroes, having been aftiore to cut wood for
the furnace, brought on board a poor animal alive, with
all its four feet chopped off with the bill-hook, and
which lay ftiU in the bottom of the canoe. Haying
freed it from itts torment by a blow on the head, I was
acquainted that this was the Jtotb, called loyaree ox'beay
by the natives, on account of its plaintive voice. It is
about the fize of a fmail water-fpaniel, with a round
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