fucceffion of animals, ffirubs, 8çc.M I was defirous of CHAP,
being acquainted with thus, indépendant of that cool- . L_ ,
nefs . which was fo evident between thefe two veteran
officers,!® made- it my earned Rudy and endeavour, if
poffible, to keep friends with both parties ; and, indépendant
of that duty-which I owed Colonel Fourgeüûd,
as my commander in chief, to treat the governor of the
colony with that refpeCt which',! thought was due to his
d ip fiff|jiïs fâhk, and-his condu& ;^ahd in which motive
'{though not by all) I was Readily fupported by the moil
tefpêétàble officers in the corps.
i x will now endeavour to- fulfil the talk I have undertaken;
and commence with a general defcription of this
*E 3 C H A P .