C H*A P.
¥11. •
where tfe-e air I? «impregnated with myriads. o£>mvifible
animalcula, the fmafieft fcrateh immediately becomes »a
Eupn|pg fpreff The heft antidote’ and>pureT®r fagbi complaints
in. this ^country l i lemon, (Sr dim« d<fel,:but!fhis we
had not; The next heft mode of treatment Is .-never to
• expofean openwowndj'Or even the/fmalleft feratGhi, to the
air; but thednftant they are received, tocover thena wifti
;^?ey-paper wetted ;wkh %ir||Si p r 1 any; kind of; moiftiire,
iq that it may fheh For m-yown part, Ino: man
could enjoy a better fixate of health than. I . continued «to
enjoy, wearing nothing but my dong trmy&ijs, and cheeked
Hurt .lpofe at the .
Nay?, mpp*whenthfe Tug. was tn o t, too rhplnd .#rj|ppe& jaJI
tc^etlmr,. and: twice apery- ,d^j • jaued-.- t^jplipge;|B$o.
the watgro^y^thefem^ans I was 3lw^^#£o^aed?eican;
I alfo daily ufed a cheering , glafs of wi-qe, having firft
hung It a few fathoms under water, which rendered : it
much more cool and pleafant.
During all thpfe hardftiips, Im u ft not forget they high
gratification which was afforded us tone day hyi a few
marcufas that we found inithis place,, which had been
deft there ftanding ever fince the eftate, many :years zgo,
had been deftroyed. There was indeed but one fingle
old tree, Tfhould rather fey a fhrab, .for the plant which
.bears them-, falls more properly under that defcription.
This delicious fruit is ;of an oval form, and o f an orange
or golden colour; the bloflbm refembling:the pafiion-
flower. They are commonly larger, hu t fame dels than
a hen’s
a hen’s egg, and are broken open as one would break
an CSS ; the7 are then found to inclofe an aih-coloured
fucculent-jelly, ,fulF. of fraaU feeds. This is lipped out
of the fliell, being fweet mixed with acid, of an ex-
quifite flaypur, and fo coed that it reminds one of ice
Here we remarked h Variety b f beautiful butterflies;
particularly foriieVtf an azure-bluèr which are exceeding-
hy large, and between .th row e r s fkimmed and hovered
amonglt the. green boughs, to which thdinbltr-amariné
hue^-brightened 'by théfun,*bbre thé mbft .enchanting
edntraft: but asT could- not catch one of - them while I
ftaid.here, I-muft-defer- the-farther- déferiptionMb another
part of thè.wörk.
This-evening we heard the found of a drum, which
^xt^Tappofe'laa.fefer«^ Other than tHatbf théVebëls^
neyerthelefs we determined to continue (heffing óhrVIÖ?
tuals afhore, -Hill, keeping on our guard, according to the
advice of Mr. Klynhams. ,
On the 9th Mfe MacdOnald? was much worfë; however,
on feeing me. receive a,.letter from Colonel Fourgeoud,
hp feemed to'revfee^as wë'all'did, expedirig now'to be
relieved from oat horrid fituation'.^ But what- whs Our
foartffieation, - at* reading that We were ftilhto'tóöritin^
on this.forlorn Ration!- This, letter was accompanied by
a prefent of fifli-hooks and tackle, to’ make up for the
deficiéncy^of. other refreihment§;- and, ihdeèd^ of felt•
VOL. I, - ' V* • provmons,