CH.A P. 1662, the colonyM Surinam was gfahtdd^hy’chhffes öfi
n’ , eharles the Sefönd to Fr&ïKfs Lord Willotigbbf, j&nd
at that lord’s defife tö. h r divided With Lawrence HidCyt
fecond fbrtof Edward Earl of Clarendon, for th em 5 atid
tlioh defcendams^fbrieVef * tfed Oïigiaaf rê'cofd d f fhfö
charter is <fö>; he found m 1 the chalet'Of iheTfoife*J 11»
1664, thé EngiMK captured the :NbW
called New-Tork, from the OXttch.ft
in the year &&S*
moftlf by planting tobac£öv[ Theyhsidkm failed
forty fine fugar plantations, ami erected a ftröng fbrtrefs
of hewn ftone for' thëif'dêïehdei' 1 M ^i€fe¥'hèWeVéé
to remark, that fome fuppofe thefe implements-were
effé&ed by the Fórthgtiê^,! though at What period- is
•öneértaöi?r Awhile thé Frenèh^ftkënWèvtÖy^ difpntè ihè
point, and-infift: that they were the work ofMOrifieUr
Ponfert deBretig&y, when France ha® pöiféilSh^fhhafc
country. However th ir ta y vbé,; the föttMfs i f &eatedt
about fixteen -or èightèeh miles from Wffl. móhthfhf the;
river Shrih^mi. 'and' tfcefe-in&iftriotts- feft&bs fbuM'thMi-
feivés përfe&ïy happy in a fmall town- which-they had
built under the Theii? felicity Was hófc'of Töhg;
duration f for in the wars between Chaffed then Second:
and the United Provinees,rheDutchhavingbeSn driven
in 1661 from the Brazils by the Portuguefe^. took the
colony of Surinam from the Englifli in 1667, under the
command of a Captain Abraham Criuvon, who was dif-
^ patched:
pit^hedffon;th^t purpofe: bp the province of Zealand^ ch a p .
withjthiicefftuLpsiofi war and:300: marines. The Englifli , K
commander* WHliam Bianiy lo|t the fettlement of Surinam
bp; £nrpdze, whem above 600 df the. beft raen in the
eolonpî wereîratï work on; the; fegar plantations. This
negtedl» appears from. frhçr trifling lofs-fof the Dutch,
who I in ftorming the? citadel; hada hut one. man killed;
Theyimmediately planted thfe Prince 'of Orange’s flag
o n the nanaipartsî( and gave? now to? this! fsorirefs the
namn ofv^elandié,. and that: of New Middiebùrgd ta
th e tOwn:ofr Pacapaaribo, after, making the inhabitants*
amongihither æantribiLitions,pay one; knn dred, tboufand
pounds; weight o f fugar, ami fending- atnumber, of them
ta th c ifland of Tobago; This >event took placer in: Fe-?
bruauy^ and in July, following the; peace was; concluded
at Breda. But* mo£b unluckily for theme.%poffeflofs of
Surinam^ it was mndudfd»mkinown: to ithfi Englifli commodore^
Sir. Jjohn Harman, who- inCpdfoher that famfe
yeaiv, having firflctaken: Cayênnêi&omi thecflrench* en«
teredithexri^ei wthtaiiteong ) fleet aft fenerbfMps* of war*
two: bomb*ketdhes, Soar and; retook; the; colony' from
the Dutch, killing oii> this;oceaUbn. above, fifty'of their
men, and deffa&jfin^. nin»/ pièèissvafi cannon in Fort
Zelandia.,1 The new inhabitants, were; now. in. their turn
laid under contributions and the; Butçh. garrifon; were
tranfported as. prifoners; to the ifland of Banbadoea. ,
: At the difcovery, in Surinam, that.the poace;had been
concluded- in Europe between, the- contending, powers,
G a before