CHAP, lavanna, flung our hammocks in the ifcirts of a thick
XI* and obfcure wood.' On «the 31ft we again fetout the -fame?
courfe, in hopes of meeting with the 'marksmf fpme former
path cut upon the trees by fome of -our troops; but
were miftaken, ?for , having-> got. 'into a marflipHvhere
we waded till noon up to our; chins, at the hazard of being
drowned, we faw ouFfelves under.'the meceffity of
returning the fame -way! we^amej iperfetS^ fbahediand in-
rags ; and aftex '^ forced march -encamped :orice> m'ore; oil
the banks o f Cormoetibo Creek-, in-fiuch a heavy lhower
of rain during the whole night .as I did feldom remember,
which eaufed; fo. much eonfufionand h’Urry, eadh
ftriving to build his flied, and get under hover hrft, that
I got a broken head, but perfevering was one:of th6 firfl*
in flinging my hammock; above whiehipreading gr&ir
boughs, and under which having lighted^a comfortabl’d
fire, I fell moft profoundly afleep in the middle1 o f the
fmoke, which faved mer from the flings' o f -the mufqui*
While fpeaking of infers, I ought not fo forget that
this evening one Of .the hegrtf :flaves wko hadrbeeii booking
for dry wood, prefented mey to my- great furprize,
with a beetle no^efethao tbree'or fcror tnfchfe&bifiT
and above^wo/in bi^adthv Oalleddn Surinam th
riayon account of its probofcfe or horny Whi0h i|h c50kedi
forked, lands thick asdklgodfe-qniUty on the head it! has
many hard polflhed knd.bfe ; the limbs are fix ,; the wings
ate. Jargey and ..the whole animal is perfectly ; black, be*
jhg the largeft of all the beetle kind in Ameriea.3 ^
jj In Guiana is alfa another.fpecies of.thefe .infe&s, called C H a p.
the cerf-volanty or flying hart, .from its extuberances, re- j
fembling-the horns of a flag : both thefe beetles fly with
an uncommon buzzing node, andtaie'fo flrong, that but
very, few.bir^s dare to attack them. One of the greatefl:
leagues however}W,e met with, .in the.foreft, was a fly as
large ;as7a common bee the flipgsyof which-were almofl:
equallylpowerful; .the negroes caIl;it t h e ^ - / y - ; 'this I
pan belt I think., compare *0 .what is called, the hippobof-
$us- or. # |ir# ^ > G r e a t. Britain.
I * Havif i flept.moR fo»ndly fbhfix or fevep hours, in fpite
pf.the rai.n,s, thufinqfce* the.mufquitoes, and rhy broken
head, -I t u r n e d o i ^ f f§6felyf refre&ed^t fivej -and
W^commencedahp^yeap ^ 4 , .by ^marching«.up along
t h e . t f i e q(otp|oetHb,Q till midday, when, we ar.-
^ c-e--riJPre at, the. grand encampment at fhe-mbhth
ufuafoa fmidefe.cfcu^L
8 ° n> 9P} i°y .returned alfo Cfiptain-Frfe^|'rlGy,
party, fringing in a captive n<^qlin,chains, Lcijy
e.d;,. Cup j do ; aqd;,xelat/ng that: a poor fpldier oithW-So*
$ 0 $ \fPaP?> P^ffceiyipg .hi& .pardon, when on his knees
wa§t gape* out of ’hisvfen&s.. 4
v £qlonel hpurgeoqd,. being finally determined to break
| P thlf c,amPai&h> Cpnbout a party .of,to .-cruize
on .the.jy^y m^tamaca before,him. !
I now walhed my fhirt, the lafl: I in tfie, Wana
,Creek (but-was obliged to keep fwimming «tilpit, was dried
.the fqn) ipy letter, fent f ordinen, having never reach-
I iVaL- h N n 2* d