24 N A R R A T RV E O R :-A'-N ^
c H AP.> main unmolefted, they fuck the blood* -till they are
1‘ fcapiely able tor fly. Every puniljrre thfy feake-is>lKie- *
ceeded by a large blotch, or rather tumourjbaccbmpanied-
with an itehlrig^ which is^almofl: intcderabledlrhe gjrefn
fence: of the mtifquitoes'is indicattefl by- their■»buzzing i
noife, which alone^isTufficientbo makejblp- fwe&ty ahdi
which is fo very difagreeabfebo^hd^'"whd«fe4;f|8f|uffe^ed
frdm their ftings| as!ta_ha\^obtaihed-for Jh em th e ' name
of the Devil's 'Trumpeters* They are indeed inconceivably
troebjefome in j?very jrefpecft. Th^eandle&’-'are-no-
fooner lighted in an eveping, thanXhey;.ar&|t!m’ik>full'of
them ; all kinds of 'food and drink ’arev^pbfed td\tKeir
difagreeable vifits, from which-even: the:hFbu«th fand-eye^
are not exempted. c ; |gg | g| rh.-,'xTT .7 jag*!
The heft cure for their-ftings is rur {application of the.
juice of lemons or limes, mixed with.., water, which .is
alfo a tolerable prefervat-iyO againft., their; attacks Immediately’before
fhutting the windows, the inhabitants,
commonly burn tobacco-in their apartment^ fhe^fmbke,
. of bvhich occasions the “infeCts. to fly- about the- roorn>
when the negro girls unrefervedly throw off their;petti-,
coats, which is the whole of their covering, and -runpiqg
naked about the chamber, chafe the gnats therewith out.
at the windows, or deftroy them. This more delicate, or
luxurious amongft the natives ftill employ their flaves kt
fanning them during the whole night, excepting fuch as.
have green gauze doors to their beds or pavilions; but
the generality of the people in Surinam flee.p in roomy.
E X PE D I T I 0:N TO. S U R I N A M.
cotton hammocks, which are covered with a very large CHAP,
thin fheet, fufpeaded, from it tight, line immediately over *•
'them» fomething like the awning of a ftiip^ which ferves
in fome meafure to keep off tthefel .trbublefome infers,
mid the Wantfo&Mnebb had j exjsoftdme to be thus flung
all over;::*
There are alfo in Surinam a ftill largef fpecies of gnats
©r 'nki%a4t0#s>Jcaffed d@Mkm$ tM 'fhbgs=(>fivihieh'a^6
. extremely paihful;bnifiedi;;' butt <&. they are much left
humorous than the 'formerj,‘-4hoy-arje not* nea-r-ly'-fo» trou-
blefdme to the inhalbitfiants* and dre canfequently left
f eiharked.!^——But- tor proceed : «
On the -mdrningbfithietdad^ ^ri-Mgeriy negrdiwoman,
with: a black girl arboEht fourteen,'entering iftay apartment*
it wpuid be difficult to exprefs. myoaftonifhmept when
fhe' gravely prefented me her daiig^ter,;: to become ivdrat
the Was pleafed to term my wife, Thadrfo littfe gallamH
try, ^however, as to Jtfejeit: the, offer w ith aloud laugh;
but at; ithe.5 fame time aefooppabied^ihe aSefisfal math, a
fmall .biitl weieome’iparefehhrwhh ^hieh; they . appeared,
perfectly fatisfied, anff departed%ieh;tevel'y poffible de^
monftration- of la titu d e • ahd-refpetft.i -Tkekg^tefhere*-
whpyvoiuhtariiy enter into thefe connexions, are fome-
timek.mnlattoes, ifometimes -Indians,- and -often negroes;
They 1 all. exult in the t^ um fe ite e of living* with an
Europe^ywhom in gfeneral theydefve with^the -utmoft
tenderneft varid*-fidelityji ^afid ^tad#y \f«p|;oVeJ thote nu«
merous sfiair^om&vflsio d^eaferthfongh ties -more-faired
Vol. I. I E and