C-k A P. On thé 6th, a marine drowned himfelf, in one of .y j y
' r thöfe phrënzy feverss which are fo- common in Guiana.
-About the feme timb-ahbther Society tid ie r was fhbt by
order hf a ! coürt-martiah Thus : periflied thofe men
who were fpared by the climate or the enemy.
Haying written to a Mrp Seifke, -to enquire ; whether
it wa^:not in the powef;qf the- 'Gcwèfnör atid- G&fthcil
tó felieVh aLgéhtïêrnaWs - child froth bondage^ phvïdéd
there was paid to rts mader Rich a ranlom as fhéi'r wif-
dorri ftiould judge’] adequate; I received< for ahfwer, that
no mônèy or intèrèd couM piufehàfèr h s’free^iw,. with-**-
crut the ptoprietor’é] cdrifedt ; 'fifagè,. acfcoïding- tb lé%|;St'
Was- juflr as- much -a ‘flavë as I f it had been born in Africa»,
andimportedfromthecoaRcdOiîinéaÿ ThijdnfbfmafiOh
nbw perfectly completed my miféry, and-I-.É lad-kad-fe^-
•covtrfe to drinking; which temporary- reliefyhowbvir,
only caufed my Tpirits to flowÆigherj in order to make
thefavfrhk lower after its evaporation. During this d©®-
ifliiSi it .happened that I wds! invited with tie Major t i difîê,:
h t ànf édâtë cSdléd Knbppemonbo, in the Gàfayiniéâf Greek,
Where gjj Mr. De Graav, thepropifetor^ did-»eyery thing ,jR
his power to amufe me, but to no purpofe.—At lad,’ feeing
me feated by myfelf on a frnall bridgé that led to a growe
of orange-trees, with a fettled gloom bii my countenance,
he accofted me,- and taking me by the hand, to my afto-
nifhment, pronounced, the- following words : .
“ Sir,-1 am acquainted by Mr. Lölkens with the caufe
“ of your juft didrefs.’ Heaven never left a good i uteria
t{ tion iinrewarded. I-have* no w; thp pleafure to acquaint
“ you,; tjiat Mr., Lwde has.chofen me, for his adminiRra-
fj to r; and that from this dayjl fliall pride myfelf in maki
n g it my bufuicf| t^^ead^C.yqugny fer.yice with that
“ gbpg^qan,H|\yejj #s ^h,e yirtupqs] Jpanna, whofe de-
“ ferving^charadl^h^s attracted* the attention of fo many
“ people^while-yopr laudable, coMudPredounds .to-your
“ lading hhjioyjt: fcfqughout the,,ebjpn4]’’,
, No. angp-f defeending, from,above could.have brought
me a mpje^ welcome meffage; and no criminal under
ientence of death could, have.deceived "a Reprieve with
greater jay. The weight(?f a mill-ftoneyvas removed from
my labouring bread-; > nd having made Mr. De.-Graav
repeat his jpromife, I ..felt I fliould yet/bebappy., Soon
after this, L was furrounded b^r feveral gentlemen and
ladies, to whom my frierf^had copimunicated his' generous
intentions. They congratulated mp^on rpy fenfi-
hi^-ty, and on having met witht fo valuable, an(,acquaintance.
All feemed jto partake in the pleafure that I now
felt; and the day being fpent in mirth and conviviality,
I returned, to the Hope, rnpph better plejfed than when
I left it, where next, day |he whole company was, entertained.
by Major Medlar; nor,did we feparate,,or ceafe
feading up and-down th e riy e ^ tijl th e ^ th ,. when we
once more Ipent the clay at Knoppemonbo..
Here Mr. De Graav, haying,* bought fo.me mew flav^s,
^ave^jhqlhjay to aUjthe negro,es on his^ftate ; and here
I had the ppportunity Ofe.fef^g.thei diverflonk peculiar
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