C H A-P. a la Grec in -Europe, and are ftill 'eat iff Isold - grates,
,f fenders, &c. But for a more correct idea I muft refer the-
reader to the annexed plate, where the children alone are
not painted. So very permanently does this paint adhere
to the fein, that one of-tour officers* who - could not he*
heve the fa<ft, having, hy way of a frolic made a pair of
enormous-whiikers with it on his face, was obliged, to our
great amufemfent, to parade Paramaribo with them for
-above a week, and wait till they gradually difappeared.
The only drefs worn by thefe -Indians confifts of a
flip of black, or blue cotton worn by the men to; .cgver
their nakednefs, and called tfatnitfa* «ppfclfr
o f the negroes. Being wound round their foins,'it patter
through between their thighs, and the ends of it, which
are very long, they either throw over their fhqudders,
or negligently let them trail on the ground.; fuor the
fame purpofe, the women wear an apron of cotton, with
party-cQkmFed g’lafs beads ftrnng upon >it,. which -they
call queiou. This -covering is of no-great ,fi^e, being
only about one foot in breadth by eight inches indength,
orhamented with fringes, and fattened round the waift
with cotton ftrings y but being heavym though ©f no
larger dinaenfions, it anfwers all the purpofes for which it
was intended. Many alfo wear a girdle made -of. human
hair round their waift, through which,before and behind,
they fatten a fquare broad piece -of black, cotton, hut
lighter, and without a train,, like the camifa of the men f
both fexes wearing thefe belts or girdles fo low, that they
almoftvflide down over their buttocks, and, maj^e their C H
bodies' appear wonderfully lon-g> , X
In the inland parts, many Indians, of both fexes go quite
naked, without any covering-whatever. - The Indian women
alfojby way of ornament, often cut fmail boles in their
ears and their lips, in tlue firft of which they wear corks or.
fmall.pigee3 f l ig h t wood, and through their lips they ftick-
thtornsj, and fometimes all the pips they can lay hold-of^
with the heads infide againft the gums, and the points
like-a beard daiigiftig down, upon their chins. Somtto •
wear 'feathers through their cheeks and through their
nofes, though this is. hut feldom. But the moft unac*
countable ornament in my opinion is., that the girls at
ten or twelve years old work a kind of cotton garter
round their ankles, and the fame below the knee; Which
being very tights end remaining for ever, occafions 'their
calves to fwell to an enormous fize by the time they are
grown women, and gives- their liijabs’ a very'-odd and
unnatural appearance., They alfo wear girdles, bands,
and braceleyst of variolas coloured beads, fhep% and fifti-
teeth, about their- their fhoulders, or
round their arms, but generally above theelbtoW* llpon
the whole, the Indian women, naturally difagreeable in
their ihapes, with their foes turned inwards, aye ftill
foft attractive by their prnat^epts. But from this gene-
neral defeription I mpft exempt one caft in, particular,
called Artotyrnkf* whom I ihalf ^foribe in their proper