336 N A U R A T I V Ê O P A N
C xm P* ^ at -uPon th’e teach, he. next cut the ikin with a
v — f knife from his back, which he ipread over one of the
carrion to: keep the pfcimingdry;’—Thus ended the'hif-
4* * Mr. Schxilts; when; Cojo, with young ! Tam era j
departed, and left me to go, with an increafed impatienee^
to receivethe news,'that I foori was to expert from Am-
fterdam, i when the fdelerving Joarina ffiould be' f f e'e
from the villainy of ftich pefts of human nature:.
On. the 28th, Colonel Fourgeoud arrived abdut tfehT
o’clock with cine of his officers, and with the very devil
painted in his countenance, which alarmed me much: I,
.however, ihftantly introduced him to my cottage,:where
he no fooner faw my mate, than the clouds (like a vapour
hy the fun) Were diipelled jfrom his' gldomy forehead :
and I muft confefs, that I never faw hkn behave withr
more civility. ;u. — _ j $$$
■■ “ H é f heavenly form
“ Angelic, but more lbft and feminine,
" Her graceful innocence, her every air
" O f gefture, or leaft adion, over-aw’d
“ His malice; and with rapine fweet bereav’d
y His fiercenels o f the fierce. intent it brought*”
E X P E D I T I O N T O S U R IN A M . 337
Having entertained, him in the heft manner we were CHAP;
able, and no V re la ted 'tie ftorf» of the Hellefpont, h e XUI-
laughed',heartily at tlje ftratagepi? a |d ^ V in g 4Us both a
ffiake by the hand d e i a it e ^ tu ^ e ^W e h ia c k , in good-
humour and p^rfeftly copteptedSf^Fromallthe preceding
eircumffanc|s, the above Chapter may be Riled the golden,
age o f my Weft India expedition«.
Vol. 1; X'x< . _ • . ■ CH AP..