CHAP. before Commodore Har map retookit%e?eolönyiffem th£
nV , Dutch, confiderafole : tumult and- vd-ffoEdprf itook place
among the n inhabitants, who knew;l mót whomufhey
ought to acknowledge as their j;Ai?
length, by an order of Ring'Charles, the"fettterne®t wa3
cedethto the Dutch, $in -1669^g when-^elveihundrdd'of
the old, inhabitants, Englifh 'and? E^ro®s|ftogdih®f, -left
it* !anci wenbto fettie ön thë Ifland>of Jamaica;-n;At»the
clofe of the fucceeding war, it whsragreed b y the treaty
of Weftminfter. that- ,tihe; property of
the Dutch forevey, mexehartge for the protdnleerof New-
York, which accordingly took placé in- th e n y e a r^ i^ ;
and after- this period the colony ^of Surinam .wasx never
more in the; pofTeflion of ^ Great Britain* In J.67S, aiMri
Heynfius was governor f of theacol^ny, nndra ;^ftptaiii
Lightenburgh comm ander of the troops . »
- The Dutch for the/firft, fewyeaxs eiyoyedMttle>fatis&Cs
lion in their n'ewpofleffinhs, gft they!were daily hawéÉFed
by theinvafions ‘of the Carribbean. Indians,, to whamxthey
were muqh more obnoxious thahthe Engiifli ha$fbfe©P*
indeed they carried fheir refentment fo
feveral o f .the Dutch fettlers. In addition to Ltjiis> the province
of Zealand, to which the ccdonyiproperly (belonged,;
being perpetually at variance with the other ..United Pnw
vinces concerning the fovereignty of, this; fettlement, and
not being of themfelves able to fupport the great -expence
which was requifite for its preférvatipn and defence,,at
laft refolved to fell the whole to the . Dutch.Weft India
, 6 Company;
fSompany; which the^did in the year 1682, for the fum -CHAP.
Of A 3^636 ïterUngj" including all-‘the warlike ftorei, y - ■
arftmunMbn,:'&è. ^inóh^ft \vhich wére fifty pieces'of
cannons -Atthe-fame time-they obtained a‘charter froth
'their High mighti-neffe's the 'Stages General, exempting
tbemdroffl duty ■‘for téti fears. - A 'feV mdnths after this“,
however, - the Wefb ïhdia Company, notwithifanding ‘the
r above charter of - indemnification, finding the' other né-
cefiàry- expeneeshof thé fettlément aHbîxldô> great’ for
themÿ agaiivtransferred two-thirds of thé cô’lünÿ*df* Stt-
'Tinam, thJohe to thé town of'Amfterdam, the' other to
thé houfe of - So melfdyk,- àt -the fame price for which,
they - had- bought .it, and thefe - three| together ‘formed a
Töciety, -to- whom (ftill under thé lfap(SSçh'ô,f' theif 'h ^ h
might-ineffes§S was fome ’ tïmfe aftêrwarcföriötrüfted^ by a
ftSfohitiëa of the States *Geheral, tfte'fble àhd* entire dp-
reótion of the affaiis- Of "'thi^feountrÿi'15-"
Such was the fituation of-Sririnam, and’in thiÿmaiiher
faimSttéràVëreÆnallf. fettled, when.Ödfnélius V’an Aar-
fgn, lord of *Somelfdyk: Çéh? bfeingVoiiè fof the proprietor^
-went-bvér- with-three-hundred- men, with whom îfèhlfo
took- fome fekxrts fenteneed foitranfpdrfetfoh. JAtr his ari-
rival, in ■ 1684, he took- the ‘command as governór . èëiieral
o f the colony. Hé- then created a-Gotrrtsof polity, to af^-
lift in- the- adminiftratiori of 5 uftice- ;5 'with the1 members
of which, as well as ' with the inhabitants,. he lived; in a
.ftate of continual diffenfion. The cqnfequeiicevwas, that
fent fevcry -cbmplaiats ag'aibft :biihTölsË u ro ^ | nub*