df my illnefs,had made me an offer o f being tranfported
to Devil’s Harwar ; b u t this I zefufed» tti
• On the 18th the news arrived,, that poor Campbell died,
on the' preceding day ; and now Major;Rughc«p him'“
felf was fënt down extremely ill, being the eleventh fick
pfficer: during this ihort campaign. Being now almoft
ftarvmg for want of provifions^we were moft opportunely
fiipplied by a ^quantity of filh>- particularly the
already defcribed as changing to a frog; and the waràppai
which is of the fàmefizé, and equally good, both being-very#
rich and fat ; thefé fiffi were fo plentiful in the riiarffies;
where they were'left by the retreating waters; that our
negroes caught many with their hands, but rrfoftly. by
ftriking at hazard in the mud with their bill-hooks and
fabrés; after which; "grafping with; their ffingers; they
brought Up pieces and half fifhes in great abundance:
Another fifh they alfo caught in the crefek, called
c&emma-coemma, which is from one to three feet long,
exceedingly fweet, but not near fo deliciousas th e jmkeef
or warappciy which two lait the negroes generally £noak^f
dry or barbacue, arid which I Was glâd to c’at' without
either bread or fair. ; The barhacuing laying
the fiih upon twigs of wood above the fifè,i"whfere, by
the fmoak, they dry to a confiftericy that gi^esnherii
no difagreeable tafte, and will preferve them fb* fèvéral
weeks together : thus prepared, they require no further
' 1 t>n
E X P’E D I T I O hf :T O SU R PN A M.
On thseadthfwe-detached a capfeölj .with twenty privates
iari# twenty rangers* to reconnoitre the dètóöliihed -,
VÜlagé of M^of Éughcop
died ; mid hoW'Colbriel $ôriègébud:iefëîvëdfo march' him-
felf to Boncoti, Reaving me the -crimniand o f four hun-
dfèdmeô;; white and black;'two huhdréd of whom w'ere
Ëck in tfteîf'haramôcks; >bvft-ofthat number I tranfpörtëd
thifty tö diê' âtîÔe^i’l’s’-Harwar-, * whüë7rféht fixt'y raö^erfe
Mth leave down to Paramaribo:! - Thefe lattér Went àway
declaring, that Föu rgeoutPs ‘operation s were onl^olfëiîlated
to murdër -liis own t rdöp'srinstead - of thé 'eriërhy’s! ‘Sllch
M'thd’ttatlirë btf the ËégrdèSf that whésTe* thëÿ'kSnoW nothing
is likely to he dotth,' t-hey Will riot'march; it is iri-
dOëi éxtfêrrieiy difficult to maintain prôpér'kîîfeipline
amorigthhtriy5 and • When they okpeëtJ to', fee th d ^ en x y ,
frothing can pdffibly kéep :them'; b a c k ^ ^ ti!fâf'afnfeihg
tó öbfefvè, with what ikill one negro difco*vërs:fhëhatints
of another : While an ErirôpeânthfcëfnS riot the frûallèft
Vèitigë-óf à mari’ë: foot in th ë forefî; ■ 'th'ë^Fb^n^m^' of
the riëgro*ràriger dàtchës th e irb fceri-f^^an d :fàded:Tékf
trod flat, without ever miffing it ; but when hè finds thè
marks öf the enèmy being!nèar, he can'then. n#k)hg.èf
be reftrained. 'This undoubtedly W IritonfiftfehV With
modern taëtiés* but indicates that fpirit of libëftÿ, which
in antient times alone completed the Valiant fötóléf f liM
fuefr Was a t this time- the native and riàtufàl fb^tf ^ a
people, Who had but yefterday been flàves. *
8 k I ' On
2 f t