next n e ig h b o r; hut this conceflion had no -other effed c h a p „
than, to inereafe the wrath of my fierce udverfary, who, ^ ^
apparently miftakiog. it for pufillanimity, .became over*
bearing, anckfeurrilous, in which he was ftconded by all
the- dther -Sw^.and Germans without exception. I faid
no more, and having tore away-awing of $ boiled bird:
called %<wefey that flood before me (which bird had'
been foot by one of :, the rangers); I .devoured' it with little
ceremony* and left the table® with a determination to
fupport my-'charader- on' die.. - Thus refolved, I firffc
Ivent to the hut o f a fick fbfdier, whofe fabre I borrowed1
(my .own being broken).;on, pretence -.of going“©ut to cut a
few flicks,;, after this l wentdre^ueft of Mr.- Meyland„
and found him contentedly fmoking his pipe by the Wa-
ter-ffide#, looking at one* of his friends .who-was angling.
Ha*dng tappiedhim on the fooulder, I haftily told him, be-?
fore tMe other, that now i f he did. nik flgMt- tie fehat’inftahf
hke a gentle man,. I was determined to take reveiSggano- way* with the flat o f my fabre, where h t flood. He
a tfirfl declared that he hadionl-y meant a' joke, and feenw
ed f?r peace^jbnt perceiving that I ‘perfifted,. he with
great fang-^frMd knocked-the tobacco - from his
pipecagainfl the heel o f his fboe;* then havi%:brought
fabre,,-we walked together .without fecorids.about half
st mile into the wood: here I ftopt the-^captain foort,'«
and drawing my weapon, now defired- him to ftand on.
his defence .;, this he did, but at the fame time obferv-
ed, that as the poinhof his fword was broken off, we
were .unequally armed5 and fo indeed w-e. were, h's* being
VoL* L H h 3 - ft ill;