CHAP. the c o r n e r i s e u t . a n d fhaped with the
V’ * ; tay, which I think have derived their name from-. -our
verb ?b ^ -fmeeithe; Engh&;ihad'^flfeffi<m£^ifco-
lonyz ^The \hebees\aret a kind; df t lignmW^dpek/o^ all
h zS y :bbtb as tib le n g th dhd .thickne% th a t grow dnithe
wo6d$, and climb .-qp -^ohg^the^^ain^allifirei^idns:;
tbey-'-afpifa plentiful an d wonderfully: difp^rfedf that^
like -the' ligtieous-cordage of- ^heiiliattt^av^ 5 |hey: make
the forefli appear likezadarge fleet at anchor* killing many
e f the trees by-ttiere' ffiomprefiion; arid .entwIniriglthemT
fdveswith each;other to the thicknefs b f. -a.fliip’s .cable*
withbiit ’any kind of-foliage, which gives ^tbem. fame-?
time* a wpnderful*j^ardnee,.
ing lofty trunks , in a ipiral m an her to the : top, fropi
which they next hang, down: to the parth,. take rpot,. and
re-afcend. Sometimes/the thin.nebees.are fo, clofely} interwoven,
that they have the appearance of fifhingmets,
and game cannot get fhfought them. : Thefe oe^ees are
exceedingly tough, and .tiled for nlooripg,large
vqflels.tb the iftiore. Having only to add,- that fome.of
the fpedes!-iaffe :poifonous, - efpecjally thofe., that are.. flat,
grooved; or'angular, I fhall proceed to the rooflng.of the
cottage. 1
j This is done by the green bough* orbranChes of the
fame manicoie-ftree that made the walls, afid in the foN
lowing manner: each hough, which I can compare to
frothing fo well as to the fhape of a feather, and which
E X P E D I T d O N T O S V R I N A M.
is as large ^as a man,, fplit ;from the top to the CHAP,
bottom in twp equal parts; . jag you wpu^d f fplit a; pep, . _ .
when a number: of thefe half. boughs , are tied, together “
•by *tkejr ,own;v&rtlur,e, iap4;^P,rffii%;biPPc%f?aypp
thqfe bo-inches^ ancl Uevt-hjgm with p^hees, one above Ahr
Other -upcprjthe cpoo£’ of* youi^ ooffepge, as tpi^k = dd , you
plgato, ip‘jfljek manner that the verdure, .jwhkh
looks like fhg rpanejof ;a korfe,}hgnaSfi3pwhwa|pls.; -This
eoveringewhich is greeny bufe,fopn. take^rthp >qo,-
§ the^i%^ljfli: jreedtthJfclkasSr 4&:XW% bearpifvp,
laftihgcapdscjofe^ agdfloifhes ypid?'hopftSBa%lih^ye,^^ ■
without- the mk
and winddWSj-'ttahles^. &j§.{ are ma^e) in . the- fame
mannerj. fo are.the inplofuresfor gardens, o^pt-her places
•for keeping dattleij: Mbd
rebel segrbea :h"ever waPfc| goodrbuufe?, dld^'9f!^
to peiifo^fe
thought. they^noyo?t3rghnil4
where they have once been-difepFerefl hyEpropctyas. -The
ilndiaris., ihfteadrof the ;m&nic'plps,^o^r^liy,jcoyextheir
wigwymswith iasor- with qf which I ffiaJLfoeak
bn; anotherv;@e®alIen. * I-'; ought; thPdftU’gehs, ihWf
feeds, of thefe troesafe- noar the
top, ofj thirty or forty ^ferptjy(hbff% l^ynipg;aTfoeciei of
broom, for which they^r^f jufe4 thrpnghP-BS ^ ^ ^ W J »
thus, While the*naanfeolj%0fuppli^{the. ,material, for-.a
houfe, it- affords;. ,^ 0 , jthf n i^ ^ ^ s <jf keeping^it eMani
This tree iprhduq^» -.fljfoptb&i I have
VOL. I. H h * ' faid,