H A R R A TI V £ O F A N
hundred, were feftt on. board*; but no fooner <|id rthey\
prepare to weigh anchor for their .departure, than the,
fhip washoarded by fever pi fpaall veffels, privately arm-
ed^d-manned for-the jpurpofe., The rebels -^erecom^
polled to-fu^ender at d^retion, and af;i^w .d^^after-
were, tried for murder and reb e llio nw h en .eleven. ,of,
the ringleaders were executed, three of-them were broke;
alive upon the,rack, and eight were hangp.d'on the’ gty}“'
lows inuirons. The; reft' obtained- their^ardpn ; b u t^ b ^
ing no longer, to be depended on, we^e /gradually; dif-
charged from, the-colonial fcrvice^when others could be
procur ed 40 ,replace t be np. fe
In the following year the widow of Somelfdyk offered,
to transfer her portion in thihfetdement to King Willian^
the Third, -but .to-no purpofe; while a- Mr. *3cherpejpr,
hayzpen was ,fent over to, Surinamfrom ■ Holland, -.with, ,a
frefh fupply of men and ammunition», to take, the cpm->,
mand in the room of_the late Lordof Somelfdyk, as go-,
vernor of the colony. Mr.Scherpenhayzgen,} at hi&arrival,
finding .every-thing in the utmoft cpnfipfion, in order ta
apply the fpeedieft 'means of redrefs, -eftablifhed a co,u,rt;
of.Juttiee» which differed from that formed hy,his.prede-
ceffor, Governor Somelfdyk, in this particular, that thp former
is invefted with the management of all military .and,
criminal.affairs,, arid the fatter with thatrof all c^vff pro-,
cedes and pecuniary, matters. Both ofthefe courts ttill
remain,.and off both , the govern or is.alw^y^fffefident.- .
. This gentleman was alfo very diligent in, eftablifliing
" many
many'good laws and ihftitutions.; and had juft begun to CHAP,
put the colony ima .proper ftate of »defence ( i f which at . IL .
this time it ftood greatly in need) sêgainftits domeftic and
foieigmenemiésV'whemWaf Was declared- between France
and the United Province's; and theffame year the fettlement
of Surinam was( attapkeffhy Admiral Dticaffe with a ftrong
fleet, which,? hpy?fevpr^^Governor ;Sfcherpenhayzon very
courageoufly beat off, after-theyphad begun to cannonade
Fort Zelandia.
• In 1692. Jeronimus ClifK>rd,J.ah Engliffimani v^as con-
demnedrto. be; hanged (wbMi fentence Was changed i to
feven years imprafonment imthe fortrefs-Somelfdyk) on
pretence Ï o f Kavirig irifulted a magiftratenvho- had arretted
hirn tfopdebt. - On applcationy however» from the
court of: Great Britain, he was fet at liberty in 1695, by
defirelof the. King, when he made a demand on the
colony o f 20,oöo guineas, for damages and falie imprifon-
ment; gwhitibbeihg refufed* his heirs /have continued to
claim ff'fince 1700 to falate as 176a, but hitherto without
obtaining any: fetisfaiffiony?; t , e i1$ i ■ g ■ ; l, : ■
fe Duringti^e: fpc c^i^g^wat wffich .happened, in 5712,
the French Gommodoreg JaqueS Caflard, 'met with the
fame'reception' from G6,v'ëmorDe^GÓoye^, whhh.Ducaflè
h jd .e^perien?ed.Jfomi .SeherpenhayfZonibfefoi'e\ Zelandia;
hut four months after ’hb VëMrnéd with' better fuccefs,'
and about
56,6181. fterling, : It was on the 10th o f O&ober that he-
VpL*I. -b ; - H J entered