E X P E D I T I O N T O S U R I N AM. 287
pots, made {by the native Indians on purpofe, which, they c-ha f..
barter at Paramaribo for other commodities. f The inha- _ L ,
bitants, of, this\qoun.py>-of every denomination, fleep in
hammocks, the negro ;flayes : excepted, who moftly lie on
the ground; the-hammocks .ufed by thofe in - fuperior
Rations ,are, made o f e©^on,„.ornamented with rich fringe;
thefe, are, alfo^na^eBy^the Indians;, and fometimes worth
abqye twenty guineas; neither,heading nqpcovering is
neceffary, "except an, a^vnipjg to,keep off the.mufqriitoes.
Some people^indeed lie.,on hedfteads; in that.cafe they
are furrounded, inftead of qurtains, with .gauze'pavilions,
which admit the air, freelyj^and.at the fame time keep off
thp'fmjalleft ifife<a. , The hordes in general at Par,apia-
ribo are, elegantly 1, fpr^rfhed with paintings, gilding,
cjz'yftal chandeliers, china |a|sy|^pT^;the; rooms are never
papered qr plaiftered,,; but •h^ap^ifully wainfcoted with
cedar,, Brazil-,. and mahogany-woods
The number of buildings in Paramaribo* is -computed
at about one thoqfand four hundred,, o f which the* prinr
, qipal is the governor’s .palace, whq^GO; there is a private
’ paflage through the-garden which,-cpmmunicates; with
r%Fqrt Zelandia.— This houfe,, and t-hat,of the commandant,
which has lately beep burnt, were the* only brick buildings
in the sqplpny. The town^hallj is- anpelegant .new,
building, and covered withjtiles.; here the different courts
.are; held* and underneath-.are the prifons for European
delinquents^ the, military-excepted, who a^e cpnfined in
the citadel of Fort .Zelandia. The Proteftant church,