xiiï; .
fomë'l^ri&réd taÖièsi or iM n g alï'his te e th ‘knocked out
-by th e ö^êïfeëf.^siiCb^Te th e h ard fh ip s'an d dangers to
w h ic h the' fugar-makingi negroes are expofed.
' 'Frorn-tÖes ^oVe '^cio'dên niftefn the -liquor is 4fet into
a pirating -to
k ^ p 'hack t h ’eV a f h ‘tS&ï may havé êfcaped frorh th e
mill:; & ê ^ 4 ,¥ ^ iir^B ^ i^ d ‘ Tome* time1,’ an d been -fcumméd,
t e t i n t t e '
to be admitted m ta thê-’ëoéfèrs.: a few pounds -hfifithd
and q~n»m are th row n into th e cauldrons- td make it gra-
U ï f t y (i e S c M tfife ïa ^ c a u lö r^ ^ y W h em its «pifi iMO
the wooden cdolérs the-Thgar'fK V d l-« ir f é 4 ^ d ' frittered
equally throughout- the
From, thh'üöbfes it fs p u t'infö'fhe h%iﻧïaèr, which,
upon an average, will hold one thoufand pounds weight
o# fugar*; th©réFaJiM é é '^ d m rèuêfiï thfcf’Gtttfites <ahd
fmall hóles "inade ■ hT the Ï bottoms5’ it? is^^fged of lall&its-
-fiquid^oateutsy which ;arë fiaïïêd melaffés,- ;ahd; as I havi^
tföid, a re^ cd ^ éd d n - an underground- cifternv. | This, is
förêÜa^'Qiteriöérf,- £f&r which the ïu g a rq s h t för expö%
ttaüon -toFhrope, where it is refined and caft into loaves*
■I flialj only farther obferve, that the .larger the grain the
better the fugar, and that no foil can be more proper for
Its cultivation than Guiana, the richnefs of which: is inexhauftible,
exhauftible,'and produces upon an average.three or four CHAP,
hogfheads perjadr& v-lrx 1771? no lefs than twehty-four u . j
thoufand hoglheads were exported to Amfterdam and
RotterdamUrilyy which*. Valued at fix. pounds J^ rh o g f- -
head, though, it h a s fometimes fold for double, returned
a ' t o o f Uearhue hundred' ahd fifty thoufand pounds
fterlihgy ■ befides -the vaft' quantity of.mefahes-and kill- -
devil; !the 'firft computed at feven thoufand hoglhead,s, t
and[ fold tcpthe IN'orth Americans for twjntiyTfive^thpq-
fand pounds; ’the fbcond, which is diQ’iflfd irtlSurinam,
and ufedichiefly by the negroes, v a h i e ^ f e much tpore,
-Which,' lefsf thanftwcj hundred;; thoufand
pounds permnnum *. ii
The kill-devil is alfo'drank by feme of the planters,
bvit?t&o<:m;u'ch' by'-the cotomon foldieri-janh;fajlors, aud,
When neW,h^fe?as a flow! pernicious poifen upon ^Pi®Ur
ropoan conftitution. On thfef contrary; ibneyfn hurts the
rlnfegroes;Vbut isiieven needfary and wholefqiue;,. Specially j
; in tlfel raihy feafons, when: they areifometispaes. indulged
- with a' finglef dram-/u?r dayvb$ their mafias,., though this
\' cuftom 4s far from' being; general; There is., no- part p£
this falutary plant' ufelefs ; the . chaff refufe, and .Je.ayes
ofj the- cane, being nfedvfor manure-AOdcfuel.-; All,the
eft ate s ’ a r t' clofely furrounded 'Jbyuthe. ,uncultivated fo7
reft, whence the herds1 df wild >dveeu often; oommit^v-ery
- great ravages; when: the pieces being,, furroynded by
.* The firft fugar: was refined .anno ï^9 ;