iKd Girfec®e. ffemalbs eitMIlit a'mdte ahuring yppfeararicep
d p g .h ; are: languid* and ther-
1 r , f^itt even ^ c ih © ^ d t^ lM ^ rfe-'lr^sfen<jfy ifhariveldds.
feiRowevisj no t the c&ff wMi all ; 'and
* acquainted with feihef wh©yprefeMu§;; agfcnv of health?
ind frefhitefe5 in &eiElDvd^«dtimtaitec£y wteres'ehtitlfed tff>
ebntend foi theipicize of beauty withthe faweR Enropeani-
Bvb> ates! the »ttpibete.rt#£$pR ;feftf>dfefCTipl«S}lj
finally that the eolopiftsin tineas* amedsii ite^^Whalyr
prefernhe Indian negro rnid^TOnlat^gill^ ^»ieulatl^
dn account of-their j^a»lsia^e'ide^'B®drsj^l^l^S, andl
vivacity L 5For -the exceffes of the hufbands in this refpo£l>
and the. hiaffced-Efeg^a-whfeh taeylheek ftom them,;
the Creole ladies mbit commonly* atrh very early periody,
appear in tedtirnih^ weedfc, with> the agreteabte £rto*fega
however of leaking another cfcdfce, j$fi the'iopesibf a*
better partner; nor are they^pi^^rli^^^oehefEmate „
Such indeed is the fupbrio'r longevity o f the-fait females
of Surlflatii*:compared to ' that- Of the f males-(dWifig;
ehieflyjus I find, tdth^Sr
frequently known wives who have buried four huffiands*
but never diet a man in this cotthtry who had fbrvived1
two wives.
The ladies do not, hdWevery alwafS'be&rr^ith the
moft becoming patience the flights and ihftflis they
thus meet with, in the expectation of a fudden releafe,.
but moftly perfecute their fuccefsful fable rivals'(^veh oh
fufpicion) with implacable hatred and the mdft unrelenting
fög barbarity, wlliTe they chaRife their partners: not C H A P.
only Iwifh a Riew of meWHe contempt, but with giving —>
ha; pnhl& tbe-moR unequivocal; marks of preference
towards thnfe gentlemen'-Who newly arrive from Europe;.
which roe^a&ned-the trite proverb andhb&rva-
tion in the colony,- thstt-bhe Tropical ladigs and the muf-
4uimesha^©- aw kidiiT^ive-prëférehtfefdr a héwly-lknded
European« btëMs <pa£tiafityifc indeed' föivdry<eXWème, and
the jpróofs* of it fo* • very'- apparent and'r naufeouS, that
fome copimand- 0f témper is- üeéeiTary té- prévènt- the
dilguft- which fuch i behaviour* muft naturally excite,;
particvdarly whereithe ol^Cï is noE vêryiOTiting‘; nayy
it was even publicly reported’at Paramaribo,-that two of
thelfe - hadföught a dm i ib t the fake
v of öïie M Our officers y
11 imuft noW mention a Word or two<öf the GoVefrrtöi* .
and s?Golonel Fourgeoud ; when I - will endeavour to put
an énd to this long» chapter: lfbr, notwithftanding the
polite reception Our whole corps had met with ever fifteé
we-firR l»d êd in th e oolony,R'Was evident to perceive
, that mutual eobSieffe which RibïiRêd between him and
©ur*Gomtnander in chief, who- indeed gave the firft public
caufe of animolity, on the very day of oür debarkation,
by drawing up his regiment with their backs toward
the governor’s palace. •
It is eafy to conceive that the; difguR’which fo early
and fo reciprocally manifeRed. itfelf between the above1
two gentlemen* who were both of them our commanders,
E 3 but