Haying defcribed1 thefe two contrails in appearance, I chap.
jnuft-add, that! neither theyb nor .ahynof th'ofe birds in . V1‘
Guiana which are remarkable,far-then; beautiful plumage,
eyer^fiagi with, any degree of melody*, three or four perhaps
"oxtepte:di, ’%hofe ruptei .are \€y^et, - b u t. not varied-
Of'thefe I1 feall fpe^k-af a proper' opportunity.
“ 1 ...i-nw..... . Fo5,’Natute!s hand,
‘5 That wjth a fportive yanity has deck’d
“ The plumy n^tigns, there her gayeft hues
” Trbfulely pours» Rut lf lhe'Dids them fhlne^
' day*:-"
‘Yet, ’§ -'*
may be cohfidered as the rival of thembQk-b irdp yl-%, the
Caribbean wren. i TM^ ,Mi\d^ is? [called,bycthe ^urlnat^
t PHobabsly
mufiQ is ra e h e rla tg e r-thm t^ which in
tphimagor it much resembles $ it frequently peneheS'
'lapaorither; of the
sobim Prom h#r
nouredrhy- manyrwittv the .name of thebSp#h- American,
nightiojgale ibrrBut ifcseptpffeeda v^hhymyn&rratiye;- .
Ontherarlt died Mur.. llenard, oneof I©urf, heft furgepns,,
who. 'w'asybuiied the fame afternoon, a? procejfe .quite ne-
eeflary in this hot country, where p u t r e f a ^ o n h i—
ftantaneoufly takes place, aiul more efpecially when thet