Gti ÂW nidft .î^ürio^lS te &iptëfHh théïe rîvëriisy tïïà¥1®eiî<*bôf-
Hv tohis the öftM' âHè&ed ;b f V kind oF 4 ater-Wônhpthb
rS ifêtk -of
bé^fbjiëfîf cieâfrëdj ^fefâpédÿtelâl&C e^-‘ ^dr
that pürpbfàRWé Coai-tàt, ihM'rffëâ 'by-Ftfelia^Fbf t)Uh-
dönaiclj ^tdr whmk'ûi>atënt«f t#ehfè j ||j j || Wa&gîaritéd
t0 h iW j^ 'g ï^ tlf '^^feratÔè tô'^tiy bfhet feàttMî vfteclÿ
caii be kppfôtf1for^fe' %M *
It hörn#â # î i â î f f
the fpfih£ tide’s rïfê FéghHtly t^ïéfe *'Wh-êh the
fiVUt ÏVÉfe 'td -a:
ÿtods- circtfmftaWcH* îs'oftM -bf1
It may he rfé 4 ^ f ô p e ^ â f fefe>Fiîîëüld
add a few words’h ^ é ferl ^ ^h e <fë¥èfiéfêfe£ thÿ^bv§"tia
vérs, though! thàt is -£ fttbjfetëF Which ï 'pürpoförto Jtreat
möre at largè oh arrôthér bOOafiom. ö h th e eafl J ^ ê ’-ôf
the mouth of tkè riv^BufinMa 'is' à frdalT pMmoritofy,
m m m m m Whi0h Ï think Wifinaliy hhdbCOh
named Pfatn’s, Or Pärhattfs Poihtpäffe# PrâhéiS^LbM
Willoughby Of Parham, to WhOML-thi’s fèttîèfisëfif WàS
grahted by King Chaules thO ëeôèhâ M ï66i, Md Which
fpot îs ihppofed'^ö he the Hrft 'dn' ^WM îLOÿâ Wih
loughby lähded in iös!z$ ten year* "before he: obtained
the çhattèf from Ms fbvereigu. This point ifc
not fortified; hut about eight miles upwards are two
redoubts,- one Oh each fide of the river, called Leyden
and Purihf rent,, and a Ifefe higher up is the new fortrefs
galled Amfterdam, built on the point of land which ftr
parates the two rivers, Surinam and Gomewina, frpm
each other; and who&' jSre^ eroding withyhat of the tyro
redoubts, * pro tCi^ts the Gentry of both thefe rivers,
igp£-ear the town. of < Paramaribo, and- about fix or feven
ttiiles-from the fortrefs Amfterdam, is the citadel Which
bears,th,e na.me of Fort ;ZeJandia, protecting the town and
all the flapping in thes roads ; and about fixteen miles
from Fort Amfterdam, j on ,Rio Come win a, is a fortrefs
Galted -Somelfdyk, which, commands the two oppofite
fhores, pPi thofe of Rio Gomewina and Rio Cottiga. Be-
hdes'thefel, there are military poftsan-tha (Soraritine, the
Seramiea, andMara-wina. ‘•Ne&tto thefe is a ftrong guard
at the mouth of the Mott Creefc$’about thirty miles below
the river Surinam, where a fire-beacon or light-honfe is
eredted* on the coafl, to warn the fhips bound for the
fiver that t^Cy are paft the mouth of the dangerous Mas-
rawina. This guard alfd fifes -a few guns, to apprize the
bolony when fhips are within view and fleering fqr the
coaft.' Along the higher parts-- of' the rivefs Surinam,
Comewina, and Cottica, -advanced guards are ajfo continually
kept, to protect the inhabitants from inland in-
vafions by the Indians or fugitive negroes. In thefe for-
^ifieatiohs eonfifts the principal defence f;of th|S; f&tle*-
fn en t; befi&fes‘a: fmall artned bark of gUMda-cofta,'Which
- 9 ■ 1 cruifes