genuity. i$ri lam in g rings out of the ftones, which they CHAP.
$lejj®j;a>tse with cyphers, initial letters, and other devices, L - ■
then difpqfe.of. them, to thp Europeans, who mount them
in/goldic'Thefe ftones. are* large,'.' extremely hard, and as'
black a&jet or ebony, but the pulp which furrounds them
’i&vjery thin.
; This; day, on examiningjipto the ftate of out remain-
inglive ftock,’ fuch^sohhgs, ftieep, ducks, geefe,. fowls,
and ^ k ie ^ jip iM h h d them nearly as many in number
as when we firft -f^ed from* Holland :■ thefe were all fent-
to >the colonel’s .poultry-yard at the headquarters, while
weihad the- additiohM ^portifteatibni ofi'feelng above fixty
large kfegs‘ with preferve^vegetables, * MC. and juft a;s
m a n y S 3e . Weftphalia hamSbeing?*perfed^ly rotten)
thibwn into-the river'Surinam to feed the {harks.1 *
I now ohferyedj.oaa theheeond morning^aftOr our landing,,
that my face, my brjeaft, and hands were Entirely
fpatted'over like the {kin o f a leopard, ocpaftoned by
myriads!©!?, - or Mufqui&G^ which flying in* clbud's,
had kept me company during the night, though the fa-
tigue from my vhySige, and the-oppreffivOheat of the climate,
had funk me into- fd- profound? h ileep, that I was
infenfible - of- their flings, till I perceived* the effects.
Thefe infers:.are inconceivably- numerous, here-during;
the rainy feafdn, and .particularly on the banks of creeks-,
on. riversy aired from their -attack^, but
they peculiarly infett ftrangers’ ink preference-to the na—1
tiyes^-'and wherever, they inlert • their probofeisj-andl re-
iVwoL.I. D 4 . niain