C H A Pi p a to tid iB f® f iia .p tr tiM o f e ^ Chichi i s T n thisjcouilfry
ext^'emèly fr.équent«’:;TMs dreadful difeafe Ttrft appears
Tpir#s,-;and a yefiowifli
caft of thexomïtenaiice and eye&; and unlefs proper re«
m?dies ^[immediately jppKefeitW> dlft^mqjQr. -iecoaac#*
fatal, and certain .death; Haiffinfepsdia^^sffi rfg
The belly-hatty, or dry-gripes, by Tome compared to
the Devonfhire cholic,' is -aljEo a *cömrobn*Tömplaint in.
this country, and not only caufes exerndajting pains, but
is exceedingly d^n|^öjis. 1 'TÏÜs jal^ï.ad rtöw Jacked a
great number ofpur people. As tp the caufes.pf this
.diforder I can give no account« The prevailing fymptonj
is an obftinate coftivenefs, whidh they endeavour to remove
by a quaiifitytof caftor oilftaken interhaliy, èhd
»If© inje&ed by thereSftim;
It was, indeed, lamentable to obferve théftate to which
we were already reduced, from a, Êbi$s: oTthè fine;#,
healthieft young'men •th«Wè;^fled':fi«Èa:Euè^é, with
blooming frefh complexions, how ehafiged to the fallow
colour .of a drum-head. It was ho alleviation of the
Calamity to reflea, that all this wafte bf life and Ï health
had been hitherto to no purpofe; though feme perfons
chofe to report, that the whole was no more than a political
fcheme to have another regiment added to the war-
eftablifhihent in Holland, as Colonel De Salve’s marines
had been before: but to this others gave but very little
Of the hoipitality of the country at leaft we could not
complain, fince this was aéhially óné'ojPthe principal fources CHAP.
oTblti^'fiifêfdrtütr^Sj and likely in a few months to VI* ■
be ekrefled to' deathly: thexijvilitiek of the men, and the
kiridhefs ©Tthé' ladies :? a :eMcürti£Éancd which rendered
Surinam a teal ’C'apwa xo thefe bTave'MloVs:1'; (
* O&thre thje-gentfceman-like Liehfenant-
Cöldffpl ;B aton, I'e Gerfdorph died; müchregbétte’d indeed
, by every-perfon; |^btile.the;grim King'of Terrors, cönfci-<
entioufly béginhing^G the head ;of ThCcorps with the
field' ©fibers, -could mbejiiii to afford fome cbnfolation to
* thé mïé^ibr^gientty fwffè ftiécêéded toahllr places, by the
appointment, of Colonel Fourgepud,* the commander in
;cMefj'Avhb himiMf exhibited np fymptoms of mortality.',
Major. Eedquer) Was how madefiieutenant-colonel,
and a Captain ftockaph advanced to thé rank of. major.
[fflffiff&e - E uropean animals that live in this'CoutittyAare no
fcfs 'debilitated and diminutive;than-the human fpedes;
The oXên>; foi ihftance, j aip «yéry. fmarll *, and-thei-r- beëf
not near To delicate as jte | in Europe,bowing probably to
their peipetual pérfpiration, and theccoarfenefsof the- grafs
on"Which they f^d;]which" is .not fp good is.th a t of the
fait marlhes ‘ in> Somerfefflaiie. 0n the-hank gc-of the
Oronoque the oxeri- run? wild, a-n^are fold by the Spaniards
for two dollars per head.? A Tingle pieceI@fteady-
A T h is iI aftjfriflie'a to-lee con- . buHockCöf 'Smitlifield market. affuredly
ttadifte^y p r ^ncroft, who/ajrSAeyr weighs flown two of- * e t large# in*-&ui-
tSmprove in South; America, ana.
mm i. roafted