This is rather lefs than the former; its tail, legs, and
Mil, are formed in the fame manner, but the latter is of
a ^ ir ty white■; the head, the neck, and bread: of this,
bird are of a bright ïcartet, -the fpace round the eyes
. ; Whërfc if white, with black rings; its
Wings may be fajd to be divided by bars into four colours,
being fcarlet at the top, next green, then yellow and
blue, downrt© the extremity of the tailj which in. the fun
fhines with a brilliancy and effeót un equaled ?by art.
The macaws fly in couples, and have a fhrill difagreeable
fliriek, and bite feverely | their bill being very hard and
fiiarp, which is of great ufe to them in climbing;* they
are eafily tamed, and may be taught to {peakhke/other
parrots. The Indians frequently bring them to Paramaribo,
where they part with them for a bottle of rum,
or for a few flfhdiooks*
This evening arrived lick, from the head-quarters at
the eflatè TCrawafibo in Comewina, Colonel Texiér,; the
commanding officer of the Society troops. This-gentleman
had intended to have marched conjun&ly with
Colonel FourgeOud through the woods,|i queft of the
rebels; but . his conftitution, already--Weak, not being
able to fupport the regimen of the commander in chief,
and to live only on fait prpvifions, had begun to flag
from the beginning, till he was feat home to Paramaribo
in this drooping condition.
On the fixth of October the fever had left me, and the
ring-worms began to abate; but the mifery and hard-
;• Ihips