308 N A R B A T I V E OF AN'
c H A jP. whilft Colonel Fcmrgeoud kept fcouring the bullies; but
X1L , the fum of his operations amounted only to having fome
of his men Ihot by the negroes*, feme loft hi the woods;
whilft the rebel Cupido efcaped with all his chains. Of
two men he fent me For the hofpital at Clarenbeek, one
was terribly cut by the rebels.
I received a prefent o f a haunch of venifan on the 17th
from a Mr. D’Onis; and one of my ilave? prefented me
with a lizard czSirA fapagala, which is lefs. in fize and
lefs agreeable Food than the iguana, which 1 have already
deferibed, and which the Indians oaU ''WcifatnaJia, Of
this laft dainty I did not partakefbut gave it to the
overfeer, while with the vernibn I entertained all my officers.
Of the deer fpecies there are two kinds j the flag or
largeft, called the bajew^ is about the lize o f the Englilh
roebuck, with Ihort curvated horns; the eyes are bright,
and full of fire ; the tail ftiort; the hair a reddilh
brown, except the belly, which is white. Thefe animals,
when purfued, run with amazing ftrength and velocity.
They are frequently feen near the plantations,
where they commit great devaftatkms among the fugar-
canes; they are often ihot by the negro or Indian huntf-
men, which the planters keep on purpofe. Hunting is
impracticable as a iport to Europeans in this country,
owing to the thicknefs of the woods. The deer are
fometinaes taken alive in crofting rivers, which they often