had happened, immediately flipped their1 cabley' and fet
foil for fheriilaridof Cayenne, where ffils piraëy 'was put
fo anknd*; for ■thé Frenchd^éizfn^ fhip and'" brew, deli**r
'veted hoth to the colony of Surinam, where, in 1764,
ièyen of the moft guilty were elecüfdd ^k h’hara' the' ïarne
veiTel whiêh 4|a»i^aptured[h then' a ^ ^ ë ï’1 iti thé?
róads before the toW b f T%ramaribo. One%f !ttfé?e:vln-
happy wretched was decapitated, and fix hanged to the
yard-arm, whofé heads were alfo chopped off and planted
upon iron ipik.es on-the beach, rh^a cagë;rn’adè’I,fe)r'tiië
purpofe. Thé others, who had bedd^akfe'krby'sthe Por-
tugcfefe, were Tent from the Brazilsdo Amfterdarri, aller
which tïffy'Wërê- alfo eièéhfeddn TexÉ; fpadk dé* tbürd
the, Weftedingwerf raan'Jèf -war,' whïêb-ldhip-W;^ ttó l
font out with us from Hólland : «their -bbdtesh-^?ere'afterwards
gibbeted in iron harmefs,-and placed for an example
along thefcaaft...
This fame ye.ar alfo, three of thetfoefoty-' orrcoldny
tbldiers, whohad. been guilty''of mutiny* in d 1 defertioffi
Were executed: ihtSurin am j but his »their eafo ?is Wé-möfl:
peculiar o f its»kind that ever happened, 1 foufoafe#
leave to give fome account of the tranfaitiidf r
: During, the time of an infurreótion, Which happened
in the year 1761 among the negro flavesinthecoloriy
©f Berbice, where they had riot been treated fo cruelly
a«- in other qolonies, not only a regiment of marïriéèi
commanded by. Colonel de Salfe, which now belongs to
General Douglas,, was font over from Holland to that
fetpejpent, but troops alfo from 41)?, neighbouring coIo- CHAP,
nies | were^difpatched, in order to fubdue the revolt. In ^
fo*n/ucceeded^fin^ th e ,woods, in that | ■
part, beingof jfmall( gytent, .are.,ieakl^' penetrated, which
prevents the t e J ^ L,fron)| forming fettlements, and fince
j^em thp^^ejC^uPe.they \yill^npLfervg hy conqda|l; them
from the^iy* R,ur§ier5^ The, cpnferpience?, wys, that after
numtjers hac| been-iljpt dead, and pthery tajhen prilbners,
ƒ■!$> ^ s e n d e r Ak.dlforetiqnj. and im~
they-.pai# have ^bgen, ftapved fto
deatlyfpr wapt^of fubfiftence,
it happened thatpne^ officer and
f^nt from thktfolony of Surinam, had
^een po^effipyothydank^,oftthe, river GonrantineL.lThis
^ f f c^ en^ f.°^ethFF^vi^ a ParW f h o afe
natural'; enemies'.,tp the' n e g ^ ^ ^ u k ,frie n d s to t^er Eipt^
PP^an^ <feflp0t^<day,|||ate^j!t ^ ?yeb^ls in a Jkirmiih,
Jtjhem,,and retaken about the ya-
lue of }t^ventyTor ihii;typpund,s f le r i^ l ip , effects, which
the negroes had pillaged from the .n eighpouring, eftatps^.
.The .officer who. cgmmgnded• t^i-s^et^ph^eni,having,
however, unwarrantably, didriputed? tfris .booty gmpng
the In d ies alpa^xwithout giyingj^fhare^p- his^foldiers,
difgpfted ithern fp much that they revolted ; anddefert-
ing thefo commander, took their march for the, riy^r
9-11# wppd^rizt hoppgmf fopn falling in
i^tfoments and. being but how
miserably were .thefe deluded men miltaken, and-difap-
• ;i. •• • pointed. ‘