Chap, for above an hour after, until dhe of them expired under
. XIIL , tbe cruel dafljP which1 put an! end - tq ’ tee • inhuman i-ca-
taftrophe. A law^fmt was inftahtLy cdmnienced againft
Ebber for affaflination.i Hewas coavi<5ted*but condemned
to no! other pumfhmenit than tb pay the afore-mentioned
hundred guineas, which pr/Vr ~of bloods is alway sdivided
between the fifcal and the proprietor of the deceafed
flave ; ifcbeing a rule in ‘Surinau^thai'by!paying- affine
of five hundred . florins^ not quite fifty pounds head,
any proprietor >j& at, hbertyito^llasjpjàny pfchàB owii
negroes as he pleafes j but if he kiRs .thole.of his neigh-
hour, he is alfo to pay him for thp ipfs. of his flave-,: tee
crime being firft fubftantiated, Which is. Very j difficult in
this country, where no flave'S?eyidence can be, admitted»
Such is the degiflature of Dutch Guianaj in regard to
negroes« The aboyermentloned. Ebber waiff^giuJiarl^
tyrannical ; he tormented a boy of àbpùt fourteçnr called
Cadetty, for the fpaefe of a Whole.y;earf,_’by fioggisig. him
every day for one month; tying him.down flat on his
back, with his feet in the flocks, for another ;aputting an
iron triangle * or pot-hook round his. neck for a third,
which prevented him from running; away among the
woods, or even: from fleeping, except in an upright or
fitting pofture; chaining him to the landing-place, night
and day, to a dog’s kennel, with orders to bark at every
boat or canoe that palled for a, fourth month ; and fo
* Thefe triangles have three long barbed fpikes, like fmall grapplings, projecting
from an iron collar.
on, varying ihis: 1 piinilhment monthly, until the youth chap.
became, tefenfifede,^ walking crooked, -arid »almoft de- .W f
! Was, however,
yefiy proud^of? his bandfomeftilavesy and for fear of disfiguring
theirrika»nSj: heteas fometimes let them off with
twenty- lafiiesyjwheh* for their robberies and crimes, they
had defervedithe gallows.* ‘«uch6 the ftate of public and
piivaSe juflicesin S urinam . The wretch Ebber .deft the
Hope upon thifslucsafioh; and his humane fttcCeflor, a
Mr. Blenderman^eommenced.’his-reign b^ fl'qggmg evefy.
flave.belonging, toteeiieftate;? male2and female,-for having’
!q^er-lept their, time in the morhing-iabout flfteen
•The reader will, no ddubt,1 imagine,- that fuch cruel-! ;
ties^wereunpaialMed;' bntteisds not.teetefe, they Weils’
even ^exceeded,' an® B^asfemhle too. [|
iA'^lk-^r gobig-to her eftate.iri hftent-baige, a, 1
negro woman, with hemfucking infant, happened* to be
paflengers, and were featedion the bow or fore-part of-
the boat.:I.• The,child:crying,.from pain perhaps, or fornc
other reafon, could not behuflied; Mrsf S—Ik—% uffended
with the cries df ithisnunoeent rlittle. creature^ ordered the
moteer^atering ;it) ; and, deliver ;it dpferfher • hands; f
tkm , in ted prefence o f te e - diflra^ed parent,, immediately;
.tbfuft; it out at one. of ,the, hit-windows, where
Ihe held its under; water; untildt U ra ^ ^ e d , ^ sd then {
let it go. | The fond mother, in a; date,: p f -defperation, £
.Vol. I. U u inftantly