E X F E D I T I ON TO S U R 1 N A M. 357
tiie natives take pare/tb ent away .this part ■9 I with a knife? cyhjayr.
to preyent its infedtkig the flelh,, which, it would fbon do,. , * ,
making, it & diligufting as» not to. he eaifable. /The length.
©f th e pèoearyda about three, feet:; tit has no tail; fine
haibs^ fhort tufks^ and yellowifh grey, bri files, much:
refemblimg thofe of an Englifh hedge-hog ;, on the hack
they are wry long, but on the tides and on the belly
they are both fliort and, Very thinbf fcattered. This creature
ha§ a light-coloured fpot: that comes down from th e
flioülder on each lïde-the breaft, iomethiög'like a horie-
collar. Hogs-of this fpecies are more uncommon in the.
low and marfhy countries than in the inland, parts, where
they prefer feeding amongfi the mountains and dry
fevannasw The pêccary is eafily tamed, and in that: ftate-
harmlefs and inoffenfive, but not fa fiupM as is- afierted,
by the. Count de Rufion,.wMi, fays> they know-no perfon,
and haw mo attachment1 to thofe- that feed1, them;, foe
Major Medlar had one at the Hope; that- fufibwed him like:
a dog, and flxewed the greateft delight in being carefled-
by its- mafteF. I ought abb to- obfeEve that it is^ #hen,
irritated, very vicious and rhifëhievOUsv They go im
ferge herds as the other species,, produce? many? youngs
at a time, and then grunting is extrem e 1 y loud and disagreeable*
On thé morning of the a^h>,we againrheard the report
©f feveral guns towardHhe- river Cot tica,.. where it finc©-
appeared the rebels were a-f^eond time beaten back ffbm-.