c fi Ap» H F rom -th e fe ic©yerts'‘ th e y ; fally fo rth .parties,
IV. tjduring: riaiimlg h t, t o : rob.|.theigardens:psa»** fields fu r-
S | rounding* Paramaribo,.and. carry off:the yaring; .women,
. fn this:. wildernefs i a young[ officer,; Lieutenant
JPiroidfedyi; itid) loft two on three; days and. nights-,, c&sr £ he
went out on a fhooting party, sahdi ^oulhprobaMy meter
have" Been heard:of, had:hot;ibfe}governor,;hymid»riTrg
a gun-to he fired at intervalspgiyeiaf:a r%nal: ■ for: him, t®
find his-w&y back* and thus; reftofed him onee.jaaore't©
As foon as- it was - determined: that the rehds com-
manded by Baron, at Baucon, fKbuld be’ befiegeduand
rooted out, a ftrong detachment of white r and’ black
troops were font..againft them, under the command of
the brave Captain My land* who was to head' the fir#;
and Lieutenant Freidrecy, a fpi-rited. young officer, j with;
the cdndu£fcrs* was: to lead' the latter.::‘The detachment,
..on their arrival at the naarih, however, fiverdfobliged to
encamp on its borders, not being; able to pafs through
it onaccoumtofits unfordable depth. ’
On the difcoyery of the troops, the bold negro Baron
immediately planted a white flag within their view; which
he meant not as a token of peace, hut of defiance;; and
an inceffant firing inftantly took place on both fides, but
with very little effect.
It was then projected to throw a fafeine-bridge over the
marfh, by the troops ; but this.pl»n,r^^l®ral.we(Bki^
had been fpent in the attempt, and a number of mep
fhof.dbad;whde em^lAyed upon it, was of necefflty laid C H A P?
afide. Thus every hope of paffing through the marfli , 1V" ,
ififdtiie •fdrtrbfs' beiflg fruftrated, and the food and am-
munitiQn ^eipg(e|5hfi;4prably leflened, added -to the lofs
o-f^mtoy hi’eri^-affairs Were at length'arrived at fuch a
crifi.s, that-,thejfi^|e broken up, and’the
remdimn^tf©eps:-rhuft hate| marched-, back'to Paraniar
ribo, -had not the.r angers*:* By, their indefatigable-efforts*
and (however ftrange do think) implacable 'enmity
againft • the-rebels;, ffokhd ’out *ated flilcovered to the Eu-
ropeans^the,. updef-Water- paths*’«# communication to
Boucon, feverabbemg’ fhot and drowned in the execution
Jeff- this important Tervfce|^,
,4 Captain Myland-with the regulars, on-this intelligence,
now forded the fWamp on one'fide^and inftantly making
a? feint" attack-on thd foftrCft* -drew Baron with all the
rebels* as-was expe’Cted, to its defence; while Lieutenant
Freidrecy* with the rangefsy-having I crofted the fwamp
on the other'fide, embriiced^the opportunity of leaping,
with his black parity* GVej?-th©':J»aa^Srt3k^^-'l^op^in hand,,
.^yithout oppofition.
. A rhoft terrible carnage at-this-time enfued, while
both fidCS,-and the for-
trdfs.of Bducbh was-' taken; but Baron, with tlaef-greateft
nUmbCr- of the rebels, efcaped into the Woods,. having
firft found means, however, to", cut' the .throats of ten or
twelve-bf the rangers* ,avho had loft -their way in the
nlarfli, and whom he feized ,as they ftuck- faft in the „
M 2 . fwamp;