c h a p . This information we got from a rebehwonaato^Wh# had^
t> X' , been made a prifoner by FQlWgebnd 'feff hi's<' march
through the abpve village ©£ rice condre, Wd;
treated with «very kindriefs.
This inhuman condudl in Bonny was dire&ly oppofite
to that of Baron, who, -not^ithftandii&g sail his ‘threats
and menaces,! it- Was well known had fent hack) to Tara-:'
maribo different foldiers, i whom h e 5 might- -haye kiHecL
He Oven affifted in concealing^ them from t enraged
accomplices,1 and fumilhfed fhem with '‘provifionsj per-
fedtiy fenfiblfe; that they* were hot "the canfetpf -the iflifh
turbance. But not a ranger, as I have ifaidftgfore*' that
had the misfortune to fall into his hands could efcape his
ungovernable fury*
On further conVerfation, we found that-thewholef party,'
being nearly ftarved, had conj un&ly. called out-for bread*
as it was known that there was.plenty.in the -boxes, but
that it hatl been kept back three days, and . rice feiwed pht
in its Read. To fupprefs this- kind o f’mutmyj the offi:^
cers had rufhed in iamomgft the men wMhicscli^diTiffdls:
and drawn fwords, and indiferiminately laytoghold of ted
firft in their way, had unluckily feized a pobrmanhamid
Shmidt, whom, notwithftandirtg'all the btheWiaVgBred to
be innocent, they had, for an example to the baffdr
naded between two corporals* till the. blood ■ gulhed out
of his mouth like a fountain arid thus ended the revolt.
One of the conductors, named- Mangol, difdaining
at all to ferve under Colonel Fourgeoud’s command, had
left him without afking his confent, after which he
fotfobk' the Service entirely..*-Thefe Were the particulars
of the marcbrin both col uni ns*; froftiCrawaffibo, in Come-
wfrfa to' the" WMna Greek.. t
"Whilft I was riow\about noon refting in my (hammock
•very contentedly, I was *aee*6fled -by my friend; Lieutenant
'Cc&ipbell, who acquainted-me, with tdarss in his eyes,
that-the evening before Goloiieij Fourgboud.had given to
thehfficersofthejSurmamfSaoiety^nat only of that brave
^ndgiairant corps th&0^J$Mfgade> ftinthe Dutch fervice,
hut of. the Briiijhx in general,' the moft .unmerited character
th a tco u ld be invented; I immediately flatted
up ; and having - got Campbett’s inform ationf con firmed,
went to Fourgeoud, and* aiked$ him in public the caufe
of this unmanly flander. : He replied with a flare, .that
■bis: obferyations i only / regarded imf;jj petticoat *trowiers,
Which-1 wore for eoolriefs- and conveniently, asimanyBri-
tifh feamefi' doj and which he had never feen ion the
mountains of Switzerland! Butfas to the reft of what
was faid refp&fting us,: he laid it totally to the charge .of
iMr.ld'^^^jCaptain.of the Gottka militia, who w asab-
fent. Thus I cquld only, anfwer, by denouncing; in the fevered:
terms, vengeance* upon this affaffin o f pur. reputation
; and after promiffng to transform- my ihort trowfers
•into* long ©riesg we coolly fepafated.
| An hour however after this, I received a fudden order
to crafs tfee Gormoetibo: River, and be henceforth under
* command of Major Mugheop, who: was with., his party
VOL. I. w k a or