Here, in the different characters of a Commander
— a Rebel Negro-— a Planter, and a Slave— not only-
tyranny arc expofed— but benevolence and humanity
are unveiled to the naked eye. Here the Warrior—
the Hiftbrian— the Merchant— and- the Lover of Na- j
tural Philofophy^ will meet With fome gra|htcation &
while,, for having introduced my" private adventures*
I muff make fome apology— but none'for thofe o f
the lovely Slave,: who makes not the lead interefting_
figure m thefe pages— as female Virtue m’ ’diflr£fsj
efpecially when accompanied with youth-and beauty*:
mufhever claim protetfiion-.
Upon the, whole, perhaps, fome-alfoy^ance may be
made,, when, the Reader confider^ he is perufing no,
romance compofed of fiction, but a real hiftpry, to-,
tally unembelliflied with the. marvel lous' t f ie pro--
du£lion o f art. Officer^ whofe pen. and gegcil .^avc.
alone been employed — and on the, s?j0t ?< df,nncum-^
fiance but very feldom met with..
' As to the fhoeking- cruelties that Here are fo frequently
expofed, let it fuffice to fay* that to deter5
others, fe rn fimilar. inhuman pradices, and teach'
P R E - F A C E .
them virtue* was my foie and only motive;- while*
on the-other hand, it mufi be obferved that L ibe^ y,
nay-even too touch UAif^vshbh-fuddenlj granted'to
illiterate-arid unprincipled' men, mufi be to -all parties
dangerous, i f f not pernicious*.- Witnefs -the- Owca and
Saramecfc Negroes in Surinam— -the Maroons of Jamaica,.
the Gar ribs'Gt St, Vincent,, &c.
While the Colony o f Surinam. however fs reeking
and dyed with the blood o f the African negroes,,
truth compels me toobferye, that the Dutch there, are:
not the orily-ghilty; but that to moft other nations,,
and particularly the Jews, is owing this», alrnoft. com-
fiant and diabolical barbarity.
. Reader, perule the;pages annexed'-with impartiality
tfid with temper— fort the flowers from the weeds—
divide the gold fkilfully from the drofs— and perhaps
you may not regret the hours“you have thus dedicated.
A few orthographical errors and inaccuracies have,
been difcovered, particularly, in. the Firft Volume,,
from- my having unavoidably been prevented, from',
fuperintending ftsf progrefs, while in the prefs: But
in a fhort* Errata, arid particularly in the Index,.