C H A P.
W m Si
facked. the furrounding foreft, and deftroyed. their fields
In'the creek Patarauca, .alfo- two rebel attempt--
ing to plunder- Mr.: Winefs plantation,, were Ih o t, by.
his flaves, who fent their right hands barbacued, to Paramaribo.
, Being ftill fo weak that I was unfit for any dptyq even?,
at the Hope, 1 now furrendered the command of that
poll to the next officer in rank: and expedting that a
change of air would be beneficial to me,-with the previous
knowledge of Colonel Fourgeoud, I went on a vifit!
t0 a neighbouring eftate, called. Egmond, W|here thyf -
planter, Mohfieurde Cachelieu, a French-gentleman, fiad:
given me a moll hearty invitation, with Joanna, my boy
QUaco, and a white fef vant. -At this place I-yyas extperp^^
ly comfortable, anti nothing could be better cakulated.fqr?
my fpeedy recovery than this Frenchman’s hofpitaiity and,
good-humour. How inconfiftent with this was hM in-
juftice and Xeverity to his Haves ! I For inftanee, two young,
negroes, Who well deferred a,Hogging,;by breaking in and
robbing their m after’s fto|e?houfe, <ame -off with a, few
lalhes; while two old ones, for a trifling difpute, weie
each condemned to receive no lefs than three hundred.
On my afking the caufe of this partiality,. I was- an-
fwered by Monf. de Cachelieu, that the young ones had
ftill a very good fkin, and might do much work; whereas
the old ones had long b e e n , disfigured,, worn ouf? and
almoft unfit for any fervice,; nay, that killing them altogether
would be a benefit to the eftate.—-At Arentruft,
a few
H i
-a. few plantations' lower dawnyXome days before, a poor
uegrdwas fent with a letter from his proprietor to the
manager there—this daft, not liking the contents, gave
the meflenger four, himrlfed lafties, telling the innocent
man, at the fame time,'to carry that^for the anfwer to his
mafier. - i
But to" return to my French hoft, (who was, In this
alone excepted, as * polite, hofpitable, and well-bred a
man. as ever I would with1 to -ednverfe with^l-muft mention
feme, particulars of tais Tem'arkahle\ceeoh'©my, 'whv
a.Weft-Jndia rabbit,’called in-Surinam coyivydQdey, and
by th e11 ndian s puemrara^ b u t properly the * I faw
eriir{&f$ipGtae roafted ■ tp-fifo table. Of this, he and I
cat one quarter. Nekti|daSy 4t> made its Appearkn<&;ei 4a
e m p o d w h , that'is;: with fak and peppk1-on the grid-iron.
The-third day-the remaining: half entered in the' form
0 f a Treto<A fri(iafee ; and a fourth, the laft quarter was
converted-iuto what I call me^rpifeup.:e
This I relate ~as; a fa£i p and though the planter, his
overfeerVhis -dog,' and h is' two'! cats, coUld not weigh
fourteen ftohe amongft them all, ho family ih •Surinam
. could be more healthy on contented;^As"an inftf&noe of
abftemiouXnefs, the oVerieer, Mr, Bodewyny declared
that he never had fought a batfl#fifod a mufquet; mounted
a horfe, or taken any illicit freedom; though he ac^
knowliedged he was every -day drefled arid Ihaved’ !by thd
foft hand of a young negro female;
Nothing could be better than the oranges and china
Y y 2 apples
XIV. ■